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The Sunday Oasis
Apostles, witnesses and good Samaritans
With the Word of God for the month of October
With the Word of God of the month of August
With the Word of God on Sundays in June
Sundays in May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
January 2014
Today of the mystery of salvation
Do not be afraid: today the Lord will act for you
An invitation to dinner to change an existence
Every day the Word like a mother who makes us live
The today of salvation between denial and repentance
give us today our daily bread
In solitude a friendly voice
Choose today who to serve
Today, if you listen to his voice...
The eternal God descends into time
Compass of the Spirit
Reference points
Consecrate yourself: custody of children
Why an offering for the celebration of mass?
It was a problem for Dostoevsky too
Faith and testimony
The Crucifix has the right of citizenship
Do we no longer go to mass on holiday?
What does the sign of the cross indicate?
Why is water blessed?
The Christian in the world
The charm of images
In the face of Christ the new man
But is it true that there are celibate lay people?
Reading and the interior life
Occasions as opportunities
Taxes to pay
Makeup, clothes, hairstyles: channels of authentic communication?
In the darkness of death the colors of the rainbow are hidden
Always begging?
What were the names of Saint Joseph's parents?
The heart is the guide of the mind and of the steps towards the next
Baptism anyway?
Cremation and resurrection
Is it useful to examine one's conscience?
Baptism yes, baptism no...
Is it true that those who die "look at us from heaven"?
The catechists should be the godfather or godmother
Applause for God or for people?
«Generated not created»
What immortality?
What immortality?
You can "recover" Sunday mass
Bagnasco and Bassetti exchange the pastoral "witness" of the Church in Italy
Re-inhabit the silence
What will we be like in the afterlife?
Words, feelings and thoughts for a cordial prayer
Penance in confession
Life is always sacred
Is it a sin to be superstitious?
The feast of St. Joseph the Worker
The founder in our hands
The image of the Good Shepherd and the mystical almond
Praying with your hands
Let perpetual light shine
Eucharist. Source and summit of a living Church
Pentecost: sources of joy from the Holy Spirit
With Mary contemplatives in action
Eucharist living heart of charity
Lent a pilgrimage in mercy
Praying is breathing with God
At the school of peace
The prayer of the Rosary
On Calvary love triumphs
The effort of living on the shoulders of Jesus
The most prodigious royal crown humiliated in mockery
Jesus at the pillar did not love us as a joke
The weight of loneliness
A redeemed humanity is born
Jesus opened the door to humanity on its journey
In the temple Jesus met the people
A night of light announces peace
Before mothers, children rejoice
The Annunciation: from creator to creature
Institution of the Eucharist
Jesus reveals the glory of the Father. The transfiguration
Jesus announces the Kingdom with his words and his works
Second mystery of light: the wedding at Cana
First mystery of light: the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
The Rosary, a pilgrimage to the oases of faith
Sacraments of Initiation
First Communion: an important stage in the Christian journey
I invite you to look at the photograph again!
A beautiful humanity covered in light
Signs and movements
the gift and the choice
Vatican Council II
Human existence: joys and sorrows, anguish and hopes
The Word of God, source of faith and love
The missionary commitment of the communities
The priest prolongs the presence of Christ
Gift and commitment for today's Christian
Traditional prayers
"Come your kingdom..."
Traditional prayers
Offer a joyful heart and soul to the celebrating family
A holy name
A Father as immutable as the sky
A Father of all because "ours"
A Father in heaven with the heart of a mother on earth
A hymn of blessing and an invocation for help
An invitation to joy in the house of Nazareth
Earth, earth, sky, sky
You are the light of the world
Liturgical year
Wait and announce Christ who comes
Feast of faith, hope and charity
The grace of the liturgy in the autumn season
Liturgical feasts for spiritual relief
A "bread" for the future
Solemnity of the Ascension and Pentecost
In the light of the Risen Christ salvation begins
"Having Easter" with the Lord
Return to me with all your heart
A liturgical time full of light
The family
The family in its concreteness
Amoris laetitia challenges pastoral care
Walking together in mutual service supported by love
Grandparents: moms and dads twice
My family and I... believe it
Without sermons we cannot... live
From "give me" to "tell me"
Let's make a "collection" as a family
The beauty of our family is knowing how to say thank you
At mass we learn forgiveness as a family
In the footsteps of Abraham
The beach as a setting for a multitude of children
The father of the faith of the great religions of the one God
A revolution in the world of desires
Stealing is always killing the joy of living
Learning to love is a fulfilling art
Love is not a market commodity but always a free gift
Don't shatter a masterpiece of harmony
The three legs for forgiveness
Trip down memory lane
A memory full of blessings
New shoots in the "priories"
In the school of divine service
The landing at the monastery
Passion for the values that are the foundation of every life
The harsh experience of war: high school
School, First Communion and Confirmation
With the eyes of a child
A path marked by history and the Spirit
Inhabitants of a house with open doors
Journey between the "historical" Jesus and the Christ of faith
The fulfillment of life: perennial dialogue with God
Death is double: one natural and one spiritual
Dying and rising again: verbs to recover
Walking, building, bearing witness for a holy church
The Church: home of the Spirit
I believe in an endless future
God's bet is played in the "existential peripheries"
The "mystery": substance of the invisible
Jesus is the good news that God loves us
The world and life animated by eternal love
God creator of everything
From God the "Father" to God the creator
From the reasons for faith to walking together
Jesus the paternal kiss of God to humanity
With Jesus, God begins the pastoral care of affection
God the creator becomes a creature in Jesus
Loving God is knowing how to look your brothers in the eyes
10 words to fall in love with God and man
God in Jesus reveals himself to be unique and true
God? He is not seen, but he is heard
A "father" God attentive to the affairs of his children
Believe: if there is a word, there is a presence
The Father of Light illuminates the paths of life
1*/ Thinking about faith
The desire
Know yourself to know God
The fundamental importance of the Word of God
Cultivate the source desire for a beautiful life
Spiritual growth fruits in humility
The limit, enemy of desire?
What is desire?
Is it possible to live without desires?
Desires balanced between resource and ballast
Council and the contemporary world
Peoples on the way towards a possible brotherhood
Welcoming, building and safeguarding Peace
The mystery of death
The family: human trinity, communion of love
The mission of the baptized in the contemporary world
Human activity collaboration with God
Between the thrill of autonomy and the thirst for the infinite
The dignity of the person
The crisis
Inhabiting weakness as a vital force
The paths for spiritual journeys
The disciple and the darkness of the crisis
The stages of processing
The crisis as possible good news
Forty years: an age of fruits and projects
The crisis: The failure of activism
The crisis: psychological aspects
The crisis: reality of life
Year of Mercy
A life as a parable of mercy
Great joy for a return
The merciful embrace of the Father
Mercy makes you just
«... he had compassion for him»
Spirituality of the Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart Litany
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, house of God and door of heaven, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Person of the Word of God, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us
Invincible weapon is the prayer of the poor
175 years since the foundation of the Apostleship of Prayer
A gallery of loving looks
Waves of purification to build love
"Humanity" presented to the Father
The almighty fantasy of love has defeated the power of evil
Present as protagonists in a dialogue for today's life
In the blood of sacrifice a range of meanings
The bread of immortality placed in a manger
Heart source of life
The Holy Hour of August
Jesus is the only salvation
Ideas for the Holy Hour in June
A divine breath to restore life
Ideas for the Holy Hour in June
Seeds of hope in the anxiety of doubt
Love of a groom for the bride
The holy hour is sharing a loving passion
Praying is talking to Jesus as brothers
spirituality of Saint Joseph
Words of the Pope
Protect Christ in the world of work, as Saint Joseph did
Joseph happy and at the same time generous in his sacrifice
“Protect the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ”
“Show that your goodness is as great as your power”
“Isn't this the carpenter's son?”
Joseph and Mary: a mature love
Saint Joseph in the history of salvation
Biblical reflections
And they call it "peace"
Against false prophets
There is a lack of wise and just guides
Swords will be beaten into plowshares
Apostolic women Mary, Lydia and Priscilla
A providential father-in-law
In the terrible hour: in the company of Saint Joseph
Joseph the father hidden image of the Father who is in heaven
Father in the shadow, shadow of the Father
«With Saint Joseph beyond 2021... with eyes open»
«I too am devoted to Saint Joseph» in a new post-conciliar ecclesial season
Joseph the worker
Generations looking for fathers
Fragments of light to illuminate life
Letters about Mary
Maria, welcoming woman
«Here is your son... here is your mother»
Maria, our traveling companion
Maria woman of the upper floor
Mary courageous woman
Mary, woman of Holy Saturday
Maria, pregnant woman
Mary, woman of bread
Mary, woman of the third day
Mary, true woman
Mary, woman of our times
Mary, woman of the first glance
Maria elegant woman
Mary, woman of rest
Mary alongside the poor
Parables of mercy
The merciless servant: an example not to be imitated
The questions of faith
Like Nicodemus, we too come to Jesus with many questions
Master, do you not care that we perish?
Lord, teach us to pray!
Until when, Lord?
The fire of the alliance at the center of the world
Praise in the liturgy
A starry sky for a wonderful night
The liturgical celebration manifests the living Church
The Here I am of faith
Here I am, me and the children that God has given me
The adhesion of faith makes life fruitful with joy
The stars shine with joy
Listening to Samuel, son of grace, generates life
The adventure of freedom
I am Giuseppe, your brother
God with us
Emmanuel the God-with-us to give a soul to short-sighted materialism
The vocation of the prophet Jeremiah
"Do not fear! I am with you Isaiah"
«The Lord is with you, Gideon, strong and valiant man»
On Mount Nebo Moses sees the Promised Land
God walks with Moses and with the people
Abraham our father in faith
Noah: in the sign of peace
Adam: authentic reflection of the Creator
The parables
Jerusalem - Jericho: The path of Christian living
Only waiting can appreciate the present
Yeast: a discreet charm
The rich fool
A unique beauty that bewitches life
The mustard seed
Lights and shadows, wheat and weeds: our night and its day
Does it make sense in the digital age to reflect on the parables of Jesus?
The hidden treasure
Together with
Understand and accompany
Resumption of collective training for the marathon of tenderness
Christmas is at risk
«The Church is your home... no one is a simple extra»
A process that has begun and that over time could change ecclesial life
The silent and deadly evils among us
Called to untie the knots of contradiction that sterilize the planetary future
Look each other in the eyes and build a future together
Commit to defeating the variant of indifference
30% of disabled people are at risk of poverty
A passionate scholar of the life of St. Joseph
Conversation at the frontier of life
Reread the newspaper
«A dawn without a sunset»
«... the culture of waste»
«Opening the doors to life»
The poor, a meeting place with the Lord
Sparkles of light
The hypocrisy of "how come?"
The risen Christ is not a remnant of faith sold cheaply
The only "pay" for love is love
Raise your eyes to see below
We believe and we know
Hunger and thirst for love make life live
Crying looking for Someone
Where do you get living water?
The mystery of wine
"I saw you first"
Grief processing
Yes! As Christians, death invites us to sing about life
To love is to keep yourself tied with your eyes
Give voice to the protest
The most important lesson: accept the limit
Whoever has a reason in life has a trump card
From the wound of pain unexpected energies flourish
Some stages of the mourning process
An upward spiral towards one's identity
Death is not only a departure but also a speaking to life
The frenzy of living manages to remove the anguish of the finish line
The removal of death poisons life
The denial of death
The great disturbing absentee
Word of mouth
Friendly guide in the educational village
The weight of choice
Masters of “reality”
Support the journey. When are you at the top?
A common home. Building meaningful relationships
Against fragmentation. True faith in what we do
A responsible life
The word to the saints
«Saint Joseph, the perfect worshipper»
«Saint Joseph can do anything...»
In the darkness there is hope
Consecration prayer to Saint Joseph
«Mary and Joseph represented God the Father to Jesus»
Saint Joseph at the court of a great king
An apostle of devotion to Saint Joseph
«Remember your leaders»
«Under your protection»
Unexpected current events
A member and fervent zealot of the Pious Union
There is a lack of priests
Hand in hand
Under your protection...
A voice shouting: "Mom, mom..."
To correct is to love
The Christ rediscovered
The arrival at perennial life
A handbook for our prayer
Santo Rosario
He went to the Jordan to John to be baptized
The first of Mary's visits to her children
Mary conceives in the womb, we conceive in the heart
The notes of the Church
The "slave" Madonna forgives everything
Model of Christian hope
Trust and providence
Mary, after Jesus, is the greatest wonder, the masterpiece of God's love
The mystery of Christ crucified and risen
Blessed crown that makes life flourish and gives consolation
«The Gospel of the Spirit»
Compass of the Spirit
Reference points
Consecrate yourself: custody of children
Why an offering for the celebration of mass?
It was a problem for Dostoevsky too
Faith and testimony
The Crucifix has the right of citizenship
Do we no longer go to mass on holiday?
What does the sign of the cross indicate?
Why is water blessed?
The Christian in the world
The charm of images
In the face of Christ the new man
But is it true that there are celibate lay people?
Reading and the interior life
Occasions as opportunities
Taxes to pay
Makeup, clothes, hairstyles: channels of authentic communication?
In the darkness of death the colors of the rainbow are hidden
Always begging?
What were the names of Saint Joseph's parents?
The heart is the guide of the mind and of the steps towards the next
Baptism anyway?
Cremation and resurrection
Is it useful to examine one's conscience?
Baptism yes, baptism no...
Is it true that those who die "look at us from heaven"?
The catechists should be the godfather or godmother
Applause for God or for people?
«Generated not created»
What immortality?
What immortality?
You can "recover" Sunday mass
Bagnasco and Bassetti exchange the pastoral "witness" of the Church in Italy
Re-inhabit the silence
What will we be like in the afterlife?
Words, feelings and thoughts for a cordial prayer
Penance in confession
Life is always sacred
Is it a sin to be superstitious?
The feast of St. Joseph the Worker
The founder in our hands
The image of the Good Shepherd and the mystical almond
Praying with your hands
Let perpetual light shine
Eucharist. Source and summit of a living Church
Pentecost: sources of joy from the Holy Spirit
With Mary contemplatives in action
Eucharist living heart of charity
Lent a pilgrimage in mercy
Praying is breathing with God
At the school of peace
Our blogs
The Holy Mass in memory of Bishop Bacciarini at the Sacred Heart of Lugano
New meeting Holy See - German bishops on the synodal path of the Church in Germany
The Annual Report of the Conference of European Churches
Comece: document from the "Youth Network" on "digital challenges" to help families consume respectfully of human dignity
Migrants: 26.701 people have landed on our coasts since the beginning of the year. Almost 12,9% are unaccompanied minors
Pope Francis: “Have the courage to make proposals for justice and peace in the public debate”
End of life, Msgr. Paglia: the greatest cure is to stay close
XXV National Conference on Pastoral Health Care
CEI Assembly: the Rite of institution of the ministry of the catechist approved
Pope Francis: audience, "there is a shortage of vocations in Italy", "let's pray for vocations"
Peter came among us
Saint Joseph the worker, symbol of the dignity of work
Synod: card. Hollerich, "keeping the synodal dynamic alive in the local Churches"
The work of the National Committee of the Synodal Path concluded
The Village for the Earth: young people, peace, environment to take care of the common home
Parolin: for the Pope, negotiating is not surrender, but a condition for a just and lasting peace
World Children's Day, two "days of purity" for peace
From Monday 8 January masses from the Basilica of San Giuseppe al Trionfale
Italians in the world report 2023: missionaries going and returning to bring the Gospel to the people
Social Doctrine Festival: from 24 to 26 November in Verona on “Sociamente liberi”
Pope Francis: “Killing children is cruelty, an injustice”
The cry for peace also resonates in Brussels
46th National Day for Life
Argentina: bishops invite communities to pray for "peace and justice", in the face of tensions in the northern provinces
Surrogacy: European Court of Human Rights, no to registration of children in the registry office is legitimate. The path to adoption has been indicated
Migrants: 58.782 people have landed on our coasts since the beginning of the year. Over 8.400 in June
Paul VI, sixty years after his election, the legacy of a Church "in dialogue and journey"
Pope Francis entrusts the young people of the world to Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Saint Joseph returns among us
The CEI: "Sunday Mass remains the essential appointment for those who believe"
The Italian Church promotes the collection for Syria and Türkiye
Pope Francis: to Calabrian seminarians, "beware of careerism, it's a plague"
Migrants: 26.927 people have landed on our coasts since the beginning of the year. Over 6.500 in 5 days
Society. The world of young people needs to open up to others
The spiritual testament of Pope Benedict XVI
The last words of Benedict XVI: “Lord I love you!”
Feast in the San Pio X Seminary
Pope Francis: "The covenant of old people and children will save the human family"
Young people and the new Italy, beyond the pandemic and the vote: "green economy" and sustainability
Euthanasia, the Argentine Church encourages the protection of life
Via Lucis 2022, ready to start following the example of 14 witnesses
Italy, a document from the CEI summarizes the work of the first year of the synodal path
Feast of San Giuseppe at the Trionfale, after the pandemic
End of life: Msgr. Russo (CEI), "avoid ideologies that are not good for anyone"
The Pope's prayer for the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to Mary
Pope Francis: the increase in military spending is a shame
DR Congo, the Pope's pain for the "atrocious" attack in a refugee camp
Priesthood, the Pope will open a symposium in the Vatican on celibacy, vocations, tradition
Prayer of thanks for carers
Re-election Mattarella: card. Bassetti (CEI), “point of reference for all citizens”
Pope Francis: video message, "we are brothers, we cannot save ourselves alone". “We must promote a culture of peace”
A maternity hospital, "the dream" of Ambassador Attanasio
Iraq: AICS and UPP, opening of new mental health and psychosocial support department at Al Salam hospital in eastern Mosul
Disability delegation law: is "total independence" good for everyone?
Welcome: the European Churches respond to the Pope's appeal
Francis: humility is the lesson of Christmas
October 24: World Mission Day
49th Social Week: CEI, program presented
In the EU, 73,4% of over 18s are vaccinated, but Bulgaria, Romania and Latvia are still behind
“Religions and education: towards the global pact on education”
The General Assembly of the CEI started the "synodal path" in Italy
Towards the future, with confidence
Citizenship income is necessary for those who need it
In the end, Tokyo it is!
Grandparents, custodians of love, patience and wisdom
The 2020 report of the 8xthousand to the Catholic Church is online
Church and disability. Sister Donatello (CEI): "Disabled people have positions of responsibility, quotas are no longer sufficient"
A global campaign for the recognition of the vaccine as a global good
Disability: Sister Donatello (CEI), "no to pietistic postures, make the community responsible"
Pope Francis: the Synod of Bishops from October 2021 to October 2023, in the Vatican and in the dioceses
CEI: from 24 to 27 May the 74th General Assembly on the "synodal path"
The lily of St. Joseph
Water Day, the Pope: act without delay to avoid waste and pollution
Bassetti: “We are looking at the vaccination campaign with confidence”
In the frame of the Josephan year, a celebration in times of pandemic
Patronal feast 2021
Work as prayer
Even in Abruzzo, after Lazio, disabled people are vaccinated
Religion hour in Italy, a question of culture
In Venezuela there is still a tragic situation
With the 8xmille projects of hope in Centrafica
Women have the ministry of acolyte and lector
The card. Bassetti returns to his Perugia
"In the evening of life"
Conference: "Get up, take the child and his mother with you"
Online platforms and online support
Vaccines will arrive soon
Nothing is thrown away: good practices in times of Covid
From Sunday the new Missal
5 day later pill: Mpv, "defeat of science, reason, common sense and hidden multiplication of abortions"
CISF Report 2020: "The family in the post-family society"
Carlo Acutis: a computer saint
Even if different, all brothers
Holy Land, the Custody offers homes to avoid the exodus of Christians
borto and Ru486: Beatrice Fazi, new guidelines "risk leaving women even more alone". “To girls in difficulty I say: ask for help and have faith”
“Getting involved”, a manual with the thoughts and advice of Pope Francis
Francis: the new CEI Missal in line with the Council
Caritas Sicily: "Do not create a dangerous climate, the effort must be common"
Holy See: "missionary conversion" in parishes and pastoral units
From 1st July "Rete che listened". There is an active telephone number for families in difficulty
Covid has worsened inequalities
Digital teaching rejected by mothers
The largest hospital in the world
The testimony of two bishops recovered from coronavirus
Africa: "low intensity wars" cause more deaths than the coronavirus
Card. Bassetti (Perugia) to priests, "do not be afraid to open your oratories in the ways in which it is permitted"
Sant'Egidio: the number of people in need of support is increasing
Together with the Pope in the recitation of the Holy Rosary
Italy entrusted to the Madonna
Phase 2, the prison also awaits a turning point
High Committee for Human Fraternity: May 14th we pray for humanity
Against the pandemic, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the real "task force" is that of street priests
Italian Caritas on Coronavirus emergency: the number of "new poor" has more than doubled
Holy Week in the family: the subsidy
For a sustainable economy
Don Mario at "On the road to Damascus" Sunday at 9
Pope Francis: in Santa Maria Maggiore and San Marcello al Corso to "invoke the end of the pandemic affecting Italy and the world"
Praying for the country with Saint Joseph
Mass celebrations in Italy: the CEI illustrates how to do it in the "red zones" and non-infected dioceses
The urgency of conversion in the Pope's message for Lent
The "bitternesses in the life of the priest". Pope's speech to the clergy of Rome
The young Carlo Acutis (15 years old) will be proclaimed blessed
8x1000 funds: a construction site of 90 projects for the poorest countries
Pope in Bari: card. Bassetti, "synodal method" is "starting a process". Delivery of the final document
The Scienza & Vita association launches a campaign for palliative care
New Guanellian religious province of South America
Pan-European Forum of Brotherhoods in Lugano (15-16 February)
Making the elderly feel like a living part of the community
Meeting of Catholic doctors on the elderly, therapeutic abandonment and the risk of euthanasia
Life becomes history
The Holy See asks the WEF to “listen to the cries of the Earth and the poor
Diocesan Catholic press: FISC addresses technological innovation
The Italian Bishops have the well-being and growth of our country at heart
From 18 to 25 January the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
#IoAccolgo, in Rome in action to help the poorest
There are 260 million Christians persecuted in the world
The perennial novelty of the "7 Sundays" in preparation for the feast of St. Joseph
Mother Serena's passage to eternal life
At the table, cell phones away, let's get back to the dialogue
«….what makes us different is goodness...»
«Peace as a path of hope»
Book of Christmas stories by Franco Cardini
Assisted suicide: Swiss bishops ask priests to leave the room of those who kill themselves
Pedophilia and abuse: pontifical secrecy abolished
The Italian bishops strengthen training for media operators
Book by Vittore De Carli on priests in illness
Marriages in Italy: civil marriages are 50,1% of the total
Meeting the poor increases faith in Jesus
The Pope: no to the persecution of the Jews
Aquila and Priscilla models of Christian spouses and committed lay faithful
The Church in Thailand, the first educational agency
Appointment on Wednesday 20 November at 16,30 pm to remember the deceased members of the Pious Union
Catholic school: in Italy 7.995, two thirds of all private schools which in total are 12.547
Loyal dogs that allow those without sight to move
2019 Calendar: Saint Joseph, 150 years patron of the Church
The profound meaning of "bread" for the culture of the country
Today there is food for everyone but not everyone can access it
The Pope: Puebla, seed for the Evangelii gaudium
The Church for the care of the "common home". Synod on the Amazon
Guanellian Mission Day | October 6, 2019
Alzheimer's – Carpe diem
Vegetarians for a day
Catholic associations in politics. No to euthanasia and assisted suicide. Palliative care is an effective right for everyone
"Witnessing Communion in Mission. Prophecy and challenges"
Bartholomew: "The gift of Peter's relics is a crucial step towards unity"
Barbecue danger: how to avoid it
The value and objectives of the pilgrimage
The "Speakers' Olympics" in the diocese of Milan
A site, a video and a guide for the Extraordinary Missionary Month
Three new blessed in the Church: they were Red Cross nurses killed in the Spanish civil war
Vocation is a call to freedom in the freedom to give oneself to God and others
Guanellian Missionary Presence
Drugs, EU report: "the use of synthetic substances increases"
The passing of Cardinal Elio Sgreccia, a true "pioneer of bioethics"
From 3 to 9 June in Italy, museums, archives and ecclesiastical libraries will be open
Message from the Pope to the Director General of FAO
CEI: third world charitable interventions, 69 projects approved
Catholic Action Rome: a faithful and constructive presence for 150 years
Impossible Horizons
Wounded by pain, touched by Grace"
Visit to the poor in the city of Cuddalore
In Como a day on Christian joy and the figure of Saint Beretta Molla
Young Guanellians in Florence for their Meeting
The Church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami at the Roman Forum has reopened
The 150th anniversary of the Bambino Gesù Hospital
“Christus Vivit” exhortation of the Pope after the Synod of young people
A luminous trail in a season of eclipses of spirituality
Disabled people at work: reflections by Furlan (CISL)
The Pope's spiritual exercises 6 years after his election
Book by Don Virginio Colmegna on the dignity of the least
There are one billion and 313 million Catholics in the world
Mothers supporting priests in training and mission
“I am worth the entire community in which I live”
The African is my brother
A Christmas in Kabul
2/A Lenten journey in search of an ever new Infinity of God (2)
Blessed Chiara Bosatta, Guanellian educator
Not a social canteen, but a sign of charity
Pope Luciani's literary passion
At the center are children, the future of the world
A pearl of a bishop
Under your protection, oh Saint Joseph
Towards a new home for sick children
Prayerful presence for the Pope and the Church
He moved forward by miracles
Saint Joseph and his people
The notes of the Church
Between the storms Saint Joseph was the defender
Joseph the father hidden image of the Father who is in heaven
Trust and providence
Under the mantle of Saint Joseph
Seed that grows and bears fruit
Help not to die but to live with hope
Family report
Guardian of the Wheat of the elect
Don Cirillo and his nephew
Aware of danger and generous in everything
Mary, after Jesus, is the greatest wonder, the masterpiece of God's love
Courageous and persecuted Pope
Building a small fraternity
Fraternity in Christ and mission
«He truly loved the Lord»
The Lord loved his humility so much
With robes washed in the “blood of the Lamb”
Feast in the San Pio X Seminary
The holiness of Brother John shines from Spain
To respond to the charity of Christ
An invitation to an authentic exchange of love
Unexpected current events
Joseph: Christmas iconographic itineraries
Saint Joseph in the history of salvation
Resumption of collective training for the marathon of tenderness
Feast of San Giuseppe at the Trionfale, after the pandemic
For our Basilica
A love without limits that favors life
«With Saint Joseph beyond 2021... with eyes open»
Joseph Lazzati
«It is always the Lord who leads»
A process that has begun and that over time could change ecclesial life
«I am Joseph: lift that stone and you will be able to drink»
Pilgrimage in the nursery of the Spirit
To correct is to love
Margherita: the little "blind" girl from Metola
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts, have mercy on us
Marriage: dynamic love renewed with every awakening
Blessed crown that makes life flourish and gives consolation
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, have mercy on us
Saint Joseph at the court of a great king
The arrival at perennial life
In the frame of the Josephan year, a celebration in times of pandemic
In the frame of the Josephan year, a celebration in times of pandemic
Patronal feast 2021
Patronal feast 2021
«I too am devoted to Saint Joseph» in a new post-conciliar ecclesial season
The Franciscan soul of Don Guanella
Request Prayer Vademecum
Exit from the tunnel to recover life
John Paul II an authentic master of life
Reread the newspaper
Poste delivers late and sometimes does not arrive
Don Guanella, priest in emergencies
Saint Joseph Cottolengo
Let's save public health
A confident walk in the light of the bright star of maternal love
Arterial hypertension: A SILENT ENEMY
An art for others
Keeper of the “good news”
Stars sons
Console us by Christ to be the consolation of the afflicted ourselves
Holy Family "migrant" not an image of "pity" but of "solutions"
A responsible life
Giuseppe: a dream, a memory, a great life
Book by Vittore De Carli on priests in illness
Emmanuel the God-with-us to give a soul to short-sighted materialism
Appointment on Wednesday 20 November at 16,30 pm to remember the deceased members of the Pious Union
In the darkness of death the colors of the rainbow are hidden
Hope is the secret soul of life
Today there is food for everyone but not everyone can access it
A vision and a work of great relevance
Baptized and sent: the Church of Christ on mission in the world
We adopt a seminarian or a young priest
The concreteness of a "mystic" next to the wounded in life
Wounded by pain, touched by grace
A digital society that respects human dignity
175 years since the foundation of the Apostleship of Prayer
«The Gospel of the Spirit»
Carpenter, artist of good living
Young people are God's "now".
A spider web as a protective barrier
Forced to live a season with rigged souls
A luminous trail in a season of eclipses of spirituality
Saint Joseph. Work also needs reconciliation
A Lenten journey in search of an ever new Infinity of God
2/A Lenten journey in search of an ever new Infinity of God (2)
Giving company as affective therapy
The flesh of God dwells in the lives of the poor
Giuseppe worker and family support
Here I am, me and the children that God has given me
Pilgrims in the citadels of hope
«Thoughts about death»
«Work of the Lord: therefore beneficial»
A full-time “saint” for the common good
Summer is a time to be "reborn" as young people together with the young people in the Synod
A time to grow and recharge
Don Umberto Brugnoni is Don Guanella's successor
The one hundred false rumors of Fake News
Lives erased for a crazy "strategy of tension"
We still need One who is resurrected
Do young people still believe?
Saint Joseph, young fiancé called to discernment
2018 will be the year of young people
A solemnity to prepare with faith
Never abandon the sick person: love is medicine
The characteristics of authentic friendship
Saint Joseph is a husband, a father, a teacher and an exemplary worker
«Christmas for me is hope and tenderness...»
Bagnasco and Bassetti exchange the pastoral "witness" of the Church in Italy
Francesco and Giacinta captivated by the sky with so much nostalgia for beauty
The charm of living accompanies the journey of life
Towards a new society: the challenge of aging
Generations looking for fathers
Progress arises from the primary value of the person
The operational silence of the construction site manager of a new era
The operational silence of the construction site manager of a new era
Owning bread to live on and discovering the meaning of suffering
Germany: a layman behind the coffin
Jesus grows up next to an honest and good craftsman
Due to a government decree, San Giuseppe returns to work
Telling has a “magical” effect
Bernadette and the “Miracle of Lourdes”
Father of the poor, doctor of sinners
"Humanity" presented to the Father
Amazement at God's action: "the Almighty has done great things for me..." (Lk 1,49:XNUMX)
The “7” like the musical notes for the harmony of perfection
A priest given to the poor, a bishop given to the Church
Present as protagonists in a dialogue for today's life
God is not in the earthquake but in the brotherhood of people
Feeling Italian, Catholic and devoted to Saint Joseph, 16000 km away
Assiduous prayer is the strength of the apostle
Renewed face of an ancient work of charity
Journey between the "historical" Jesus and the Christ of faith
The bread of immortality placed in a manger
The world grows better if solidarity reigns
For the elderly, recover competence and attention
«There are two thousand years of Christianity in me»
Make the embrace perceived as that of God
The desire to be a mirror of the love of Jesus
Joseph keeps the Son of God in his shop
Presence of the “Holy Family” in a Roman neighborhood
In silence the roots of a fulfilled life
With De Filippo San Giuseppe becomes the defender of the humble
Saint Joseph the father and guardian in works of art
Forty years: an age of fruits and projects
The «Magnificat» of the servant of God Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio
The crisis: The failure of activism
Saint Joseph, merciful man and guardian of Mercy
In the "guardianship" of Saint Joseph, the alliance of the human with the divine triumphs
La Pira is an authentic Christian to imitate
In the country of Jesus for a supplement of hope
Favorable time of mercy
Gratitude, passion and hope
A love that forgives. A tenderness that saves
The path to a new humanism passes through the heart of Christ
Trust Look Hurry
Praying with your hands
The apocryphal gospels sparks of light in popular tradition
Walking together in mutual service supported by love
Every mourning must be supported by faith
Let perpetual light shine
Starting again from the real situations of families
The family: human trinity, communion of love
An understanding based on the Gospel
Let's not deny the little ones from discovering the dark sides of life
Apostles, witnesses and good Samaritans
The Lord also lives in the high mountains of our house
For Michelangelo, death is mother
Pope Francis places the requests for help under Saint Joseph
A merciful face awaits us at the door
The good shepherd consumed with love for his people
Giuseppe's silence is rooted in trust
The "part" of Saint Joseph in the mystery of the Redemption
The poets overlooking the lake of prayer
In the company of Saint Joseph - April 2014
The resurrection completes creation
In the company of Saint Joseph - March 2014
Us and poverty
The Church: home of the Spirit
Thanks for the past and hope for the future
Feast of St. Joseph 2014
Lent a pilgrimage in mercy
Giuseppe: the guardian of a passionate life
Novena of St. Joseph 2014
Praying is breathing with God
A light to rejoice in faith
The Holiness of John XXIII modeled on Saint Joseph
Lent in tradition
Chaplet of Saint Joseph
The family
Family prayer
School as a training ground for life
On holiday with the good Lord
When grief knocks at the door
Sensitive pastoral care is needed for irregular situations
God's mercy excludes no one
The family protagonists of the future of humanity
The family, hope and future
The Church is an always welcoming mother
Reflections towards Milan
Family, work, celebration: let the logic of gift prevail
Like brave boys, aim high
Here Milan: the family is alive!
The peoples of the world to plan love as sharing
Family: not alone against the crisis
Christian marriage is a sanctifying source
Concrete families with varied experiences
The joy and effort of being a mother
Children's times: an opportunity to welcome
Crossed paths between family, work and party
Society is formed in the family
The three of Nazareth: an ordinary family
Educational journey in the light of the Bible
Love, source and soul of family life
Daily beauty in family relationships
The family work gym and party space
Amoris Laetitia
Wise and humble discernment
The Church: patient and wise mother
Next to fragility
A "merciful and encouraging" pastoral care
Marriage: dynamic love renewed with every awakening
Saint Paul's hymn to charity is the winning key to marriage
Family: extinction alarm in Italy
Synod on the family: Problems, Synod on the family: problems, resources and prospects
The pearls of John Paul II
The power of grace for the greater good
Not a social canteen, but a sign of charity
Christians in the Holy Land, few but present
Towards a new home for sick children
Help not to die but to live with hope
Aware of danger and generous in everything
With robes washed in the “blood of the Lamb”
A solidarity center
Principles and foundations for peace
Guanellian life
«Don Guanella has the method of the suburbs»
Revisit memory with eyes of wonder to color the future
The new evangelization passes along the path of charity
On the path of Italian emigrants to serve and give solidarity and hope
A "purple" at the service of the good of common people
The desire to be a mirror of the love of Jesus
The venerable Aurelio Bacciarini
A bishop according to the heart of Christ
Passion for God and passion for suffering man
Basilica San Giuseppe
Life of the Basilica
St. Joseph's Day Program 2024
Patronal feast of San Giuseppe
Light of the Eucharist
Art in the basilica
Very human ardor of the Heart of Jesus
From the will of Aurelio Bacciarini
We loved the decor of her home
Holy mysteries that touch the heart
Paintings that speak of the Mother and the Son
Ambrosian doors for a Roman basilica
Patron of the universal Church. Very special protector of the humble
Son of Mary and Joseph and himself a carpenter
«They saw the child with Mary his mother and they adored him»
In the center is Baby Jesus
The dream of the Righteous
The Marriage of the Virgin
Bright stories of the Patriarch
Saint Joseph: let's imitate his virtues and enthusiasm
In the frame of the Josephan year, a celebration in times of pandemic
Patronal feast 2021
Giuseppe travel companion for a responsible life
Pilgrim blessing in the streets of the neighborhood
Feast of St. Joseph 2014
Life help center to dream about the future
Pilgrimage of the ancient parishioners
Perpetual adoration at the Basilica of San Giuseppe
Louis Guanella
Make the embrace perceived as that of God
Don Guanella invites us to the center of his spirituality
Happy birthday, Don Luigi!
With Paul VI a luminous trail
Saint Luigi Guanella
Mons. Aurelio Bacciarini
The Eucharist is the "fatherly face of God"
Don Luigi is a saint to imitate
Cultivate solidarity for a future of hope
Invitation to lunch on that solemn holiday
«My goodness... I want to go to America»
Saints yes, but how?
"Degree" in holiness to Don Guanella
Blessed Chiara Bosatta, Guanellian educator
Prayerful memory of Msgr. Bacciarini
Under the mantle of Saint Joseph
Seed that grows and bears fruit
The holiness of Brother John shines from Spain
The San Giuseppe al Trionfale Institute. One hundred years of good school
With Don Guanella searching for Jesus in the face of the poor
Called to serve the wounded in life
The Franciscan soul of Don Guanella
A vision and a work of great relevance
The concreteness of a "mystic" next to the wounded in life
The Guanellian Don Marco Grega elected president of the Cism of Lombardy
“It's homemade”: a DOC brand for many solidarity products
«Work of the Lord: therefore beneficial»
Guanellian cyclists in the Holy Land
«Under the auspices of the Blessed Virgin of Labour...»
Don Umberto Brugnoni is Don Guanella's successor
Chosen by Christ to be traveling companions with the poor
Sister Antonietta Casaregola: an educator passionate about not "leaving anyone behind".
The martyrdom of charity consumed in a short life
Living stones and inspirational springs in the Holy Land
The Guanellians, Servants of Charity, in Nazareth
Jesus will say: "I was homeless and you welcomed me"
Trust Look Hurry
Educate on the desire to let ourselves be loved
A river of love to fertilize the world
An understanding based on the Gospel
The Lord also lives in the high mountains of our house
Prayer intention - June 2024
Prayer intentions - April 2024
Prayer intention - March 2024
November 2023
Prayer Intentions | March 2023
Prayer intention - March 2022
Prayer intentions - February 2022
Prayer intentions - January 2022
Prayer Intentions - July | August 2021
Prayer intentions - June 2021
Prayer intentions - May 2021
Prayer intentions - March 2021
Prayer intentions - January 2021
Prayer intention - November 2020
Prayer intention - September 2020
Prayer intention - July 2020
Prayer intentions - June 2020
Prayer intentions - May 2020
Prayer intentions - April 2020
Prayer intentions - March 2020
Prayer intentions - February 2020
Prayer intention - January 2020
Prayer intentions - December 2019
Prayer intentions - November 2019
Prayer intentions - October 2019
Prayer intentions - October 2019
Prayer intentions - September 2019
Prayer intentions - July 2019
Prayer intentions - June 2019
Prayer intentions - May 2019
Prayer intentions - April 2019
Prayer intentions - March 2019
Prayer intentions - February 2019
Prayer intentions - January 2019
Prayer intentions - December 2018
Prayer intentions - November 2018
Prayer intentions - September 2018
Prayer intentions - June 2018
Prayer intentions - May 2018
Prayer intentions - April 2018
Prayer intentions - March 2018
Prayer intentions - December 2017
Prayer intentions - July 2017
Prayer intentions - June 2017
Prayer intentions - April 2017
Prayer intentions - March 2017
Prayer intentions - February 2017
Prayer intentions - January 2017
Prayer intentions for the month of December 2016
Prayer intentions for the month of November 2016
Prayer intentions for the month of September 2016
Prayer intentions - August 2016
Prayer intentions - June 2016
PRAYER INTENTIONS for the month of April 2016
Prayer intentions for the month of March 2016
Prayer intentions for the month of February 2016
Prayer intentions for the month of January 2016
Prayer intentions for the month of December 2015
Prayer intentions for the month of October 2015
Prayer intentions for the month of September 2015
Prayer intention for the month of July 2015
Apostolate of prayer - June 2015
Prayer Intention for the month of February
Prayer intentions for the month of December 2014
Prayer intentions for the month of October 2014
Prayer intentions for the month of September 2014
Prayer intentions for the month of August 2014
Prayer intentions for the month of June 2014
Prayer intentions for the month of May 2014
Prayer intentions of the month April 2014
Prayer intentions March 2014
Prayer intention - February 2014
Intention of the month of December 2013
Prayer intention for November 2013
September prayer intention
Intention of the month of August 2013
Intention of the month of June
Prayer intention - May 2013
Prayer intention - December 2012
Prayer intention - November - 2012
Prayer intention - September - 2012
Prayer intention - July - August 2012
Prayer intention - June 2012
Prayer intention - May 2012
Intention of the month of April 2012
Intention of the month of March 2012
Intention of the month of February 2012
Intention of the month of January 2012
Does God listen to our prayer?
Intention of the month of December 2011
Intention of the month November 2011
Intention of the month of October 2011
Intention of the month of August 2011
Intention of the month of July 2011
Intention of the month of June 2011
Intention of the month of May 2011
Intention of the month of April 2011
Intention of the month of March 2011
Intention of the month of January 2011
Prayer intention
Life of the Church
Possible masters
Scientist, intrepid bishop and saint of charity
A merciful embrace that seduces the heart
Son of tradition with an innovative soul
Son of tradition with an innovative soul
The hands with the crown and the work: they are the heart of holiness
Forerunner of modern educational systems
A particle of god hidden in a diary
Guido Gonella
Alcide De Gasperi: trust in God, attention to the poor
Giancarlo Rastelli next to the patient
Maria di Campello. Living in the suburbs with an evangelical spirit
Annalena Tonelli: a missionary at the service of the Suffering Christ
Giovanna Spanu Fruit of the fruitfulness of the Holy Spirit
Giuseppe Lazzati. A professor on the side of the little ones
Holy story
Irene's story
Example strengthens love
Making the heart of every word pulsate with life
The family: when the front door is open
The testimony magnet of good
Pure water, Roberto's
San Carlo Borromeo
Saint Cajetan of Thiene
St. Luigi Gonzaga
Don Guanella, priest in emergencies
Saint Joseph Cottolengo
Saint Nicholas of Flüe
Saint Jerome Emiliani
«Girolamo Emiliani, here he is the model of the man of God! Jerome loved poverty because from being rich and glorious he became a beggar and a servant. Girolamo was clean of heart because he desired only one thing in this life: to please the Lord in everything. So a flame of holy desire for all good was kindled in Emiliani. And in his heart he longed so much to endure suffering for the Lord, that nothing more. Suffering with love for the sake of those you love is the sweetest consolation down here. Girolamo continually repeated:
St John Bosco
This is what Don Guanella said
Model of the Italian clergy
Pope Luciani's literary passion
A pearl of a bishop
He moved forward by miracles
He laid solid foundations for the Trionfale parish
«Saint Joseph is the holiest of craftsmen»
Don Cirillo and his nephew
Luigi Maria Palazzolo. The Saints are among us
Rosario Livatino: martyr of justice and faith
The sanctity of the Church like the hills of Galilee golden with ears of corn
A saint with the image of Christ reflected in the poor in his eyes
A true Italian and witness to the faith
The Company of Santa Teresa in Lugano
Example to the clergy, hope to the flock and refuge to the poor
An authentic shepherd with the "smell of sheep" of his flock
A courageous standard-bearer of faith in Christ
Father of the poor, doctor of sinners
A priest given to the poor, a bishop given to the Church
A diplomat attentive to the needs of the poor
Assiduous prayer is the strength of the apostle
Mother Teresa a saint in the sign of mercy
Great courage and great love for the poor
In the heart of Jesus he found the strength to persevere
The good shepherd consumed with love for his people
Pope passionate about humanity, always attentive to serving the poor
A supplement of sanctity for Ticino
Divo Barsotti. Cultivator of the "seeds of the verb" scattered throughout the literary world
A champion of evangelization
Devotion to Saint Joseph by John XXIII
Young people are God's "now".
Summer is a time to be "reborn" as young people together with the young people in the Synod
Marching with Paul towards Peter
A time to grow and recharge
We dream of a joyful, transparent, credible Church
In Giuseppe, dreams come true in positive relationships
Faces, stories and questions
Do young people still believe?
A leap to plan the future
2018 will be the year of young people
Reconciled in the joy of living the Gospel
Two million young people, one hundred thousand Italians
The saints are among us: Cesare De Bus
Giorgio La Pira: «By the grace of God I am a witness to the Gospel»
Saint Maximilian Kolbe. A life for others
Saint Maximilian Kolbe. A life for others
Monsignor Aurelio Bacciarini, good Samaritan among the earthquake victims of Marsica
The Holiness of John XXIII modeled on Saint Joseph
A credible communicator of God
A layman on the social frontier
Don Giussani: teaching life to Beauty
Guido Maria Conforti
The mysteries of creation in the light of faith
Saint Joseph and the environment in which he lived
Amazement at God's action: "the Almighty has done great things for me..." (Lk 1,49:XNUMX)
In the country of Jesus for a supplement of hope
A merciful face awaits us at the door
A special year for consecrated life
«School educates the truth, the good and the beautiful»
Mercy is always greater than sin
When love fails
Three thanks be to God
Saint Joseph in Francis' homilies
The "good nature" of Mary and the protection of Saint Joseph
Paul VI. Thirty-five years later
Pope Francis praises grandparents in Brazil
Whoever believes, sees
The pilgrim and the Pope
Our "North Star"
Parents' love was the warm cradle for Baby Jesus
New fire of the Spirit for a passionate Church
Synod of Bishops
Source of happiness to fuel a divinized future
That meeting in the evening
The Church was born with Mother Mary
The prologue of the Resurrection
God's tears for the death of a friend
Listening broadens the panorama of living
Sentinels for the poor
An athlete of God in the grip of suffering
Priest witnesses
A popular politics to be spoken in dialect
On the side of the Last One alive in every last...
Nomadelfia, where brotherhood is the rule of life
A prophet against the current at the service of the Spirit
A generous apostle at the service of the thousand peoples of the earth
A life lived with the door open to dialogue
A prophet in the suburbs talks about his pastoral ministry
A life as a good Samaritan...
An expert researcher of the traces of God in the life of man
Modern witnesses
Joseph Lazzati
Robert Schuman: «politics is a refined laboratory of charity, to build justice and peace»
Saint Charles De Foucauld: a rediscovered faith in the desert
At the center are children, the future of the world
Prayerful presence for the Pope and the Church
Courageous and persecuted Pope
«He truly loved the Lord»
The Lord loved his humility so much
Holy Thursday inside the Cenacle
Being with the poor will remain my compass
«His silence is at the same time his word»
«It is always the Lord who leads»
Pilgrimage in the nursery of the Spirit
Margherita: the little "blind" girl from Metola
The evangelizing force of popular piety
Baptized and sent: the Church of Christ on mission in the world
Wounded by pain, touched by grace
A Lenten journey in search of an ever new Infinity of God
Giving company as affective therapy
The XXVII World Day of the Sick 2019 was held in Calcutta, India
For 150 years, Saint Joseph has been the patron saint of the universal Church
«Thoughts about death»
Don Zeno, revolutionary of God and advocate of the poor
Sadness and regret, but desire for a new presence
“Allies” by Msgr. Bacciarini in offering children roots and wings for life
A full-time “saint” for the common good
Another saint born into a family and raised in the suburbs
A helmsman with his bow towards the world
The saints next door are the beautiful face of the Church
Montini in Milan: bishop, father, teacher and servant of the Gospel
Some ideas for a spirituality of the widow
Orphans of affection regenerate love
Some ideas for a spirituality of the widow
«Christmas for me is hope and tenderness...»
The mother church generating peace
Francesco and Giacinta captivated by the sky with so much nostalgia for beauty
The "Third Secret" and the prophecy about the attack on Pope Wojtyla
You, with full rights, are participants in the mission of the Church
Balance sheet of a year immersed in the ocean of mercy
Progress arises from the primary value of the person
Bernadette and the “Miracle of Lourdes”
The world grows better if solidarity reigns
Meeting with Jesus
The consecrated: Sons in the Son
Favorable time of mercy
Gratitude, passion and hope
A love that forgives. A tenderness that saves
The path to a new humanism passes through the heart of Christ
Every mourning must be supported by faith
Starting again from the real situations of families
Don Guanella sang God, man and nature
The family: human trinity, communion of love
On the roads of the gospel in the light of hope for a cry of prophecy
The "part" of Saint Joseph in the mystery of the Redemption
Basilica of San Giuseppe
St. Joseph's Day Program 2024
Patronal feast of San Giuseppe
Light of the Eucharist
Holy Crusade Archive
year of production 1916
year of production 1917
year of production 1918
year of production 1919
year of production 1920
year of production 1921
year of production 1922
year of production 1923
year of production 1924
year of production 1925
year of production 1926
year of production 1927
year of production 1928
year of production 1929
year of production 1930
year of production 1931
year of production 1932
year of production 1933
year of production 1934
year of production 1935
year of production 1936
year of production 1937
year of production 1938
year of production 1939
year of production 1940
year of production 1941
year of production 1942
year of production 1946
year of production 1947
year of production 1948
year of production 1949
year of production 1950
year of production 1951
year of production 1952
year of production 1953
year of production 1954
year of production 1955
year of production 1956
Christian testimonies
Apostles of the Lamb, foundations of the Church
Memory of Pietro and Paolo, then of Sebastiano
Zealot, i.e. burning with zeal
The catacombs of San Callisto
He looked at her with mercy and chose it
The gesture and figure of the Prayer
Brother of the Lord and pillar of the Church
Divine lineage of the celestial Fish
Some Greeks asked Philip: "We want to see Jesus"
Andrew said to Peter: "We have found the Messiah"
«He makes me rest on grassy pastures»
The heart of the Gospel carved in marble
«From boiling oil he emerged as an athlete of Christ»
Cult of Saint Joseph
150 years of custody
Byzantine religiosity in the devotion to Saint Joseph
Don Guanella talks about his Don Bosco
Saint Joseph gives the basilica to the heart of his Son
The statue of Giuseppe in Via della Giuliana al Trionfale turns 7 years old
Ex voto: signs of gratitude and recognition
putative fathers of many young people
Saint Joseph, guardian of life and love
Saint Joseph in the popular devotion of Sicily and Puglia
A ready, exemplary generous faith
Saint Joseph, master of life at the school of silence
Centenary celebration at the Trionfale Quarter
A faith witnessed
Rosary in honor of Saint Joseph
Musical tribute to Filippo Capocci in the Basilica San Giuseppe
Saint Joseph in the heart of the devotion of a people
A Neapolitan heart in the Trionfale district
The Pious Union speaks German
Italy devoted to Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph, guardian of peace
Saint Joseph, patron saint of Bovolone
Saint Joseph obtains everything from divine Providence
San Giuseppe is at home in Santa Marinella
Guardian of the Wheat of the elect
Between the storms Saint Joseph was the defender
With San Giuseppe beyond 2021
«I am Joseph: lift that stone and you will be able to drink»
Honorary title of Basilica
The constant charm of a man shrouded in mystery
Carpenter, artist of good living
Joseph the man of dreams... in the light of God
Saint Joseph. Work also needs reconciliation
The workshop of San Giuseppe becomes a chair of evangelical life
Joseph: the name indicates his mission
The teacher of theologians inspired by the spirituality of a craftsman
Centuries-old popular devotion to Jesus' father
Giuseppe worker and family support
Loving eyes in the passage to eternity
A stop for the soul
Saint Joseph, an inspirational model in the educational "college".
Saint Joseph is a husband, a father, a teacher and an exemplary worker
The charm of living accompanies the journey of life
A carpenter to protect entrepreneurs
Jesus grows up next to an honest and good craftsman
Due to a government decree, San Giuseppe returns to work
Feeling Italian, Catholic and devoted to Saint Joseph, 16000 km away
The first glimpse into a world to be redeemed
Joseph keeps the Son of God in his shop
Presence of the “Holy Family” in a Roman neighborhood
A ladder as light as an angel
With De Filippo San Giuseppe becomes the defender of the humble
Saint Joseph the father and guardian in works of art
Story of a father making difficult choices
Joseph "a father" to God
Saint Joseph, merciful man and guardian of Mercy
Amazement, joy and disturbance in Venice and Padua
Medieval iconography of San Giuseppe in Lombardy
Giuseppe's silence is rooted in trust
Redemptoris Custos turns 25
Emotional states
The pity
Hope... despite everything
How scary!
Emotions and maturity
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Sant'Agnese outside the walls
St. John Lateran
St. Paul Outside the Walls
Peter's tomb
The Aracoeli
The Ara Pacis
Time with St. Joseph
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Transmission - March 2018
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Radio broadcast - July 2016:
Radio broadcast - August 2016
Radio broadcast - September 2016
Radio broadcast - October 2016 (2)
Radio broadcast - November 2016
Radio broadcast - December 2016
Radio broadcast - January 2017
Radio broadcast - February 2017
Radio broadcast - March 2017
Radio broadcast - April 2017
Radio broadcast - June 2017
radio broadcast - June 2016:
Radio broadcast - May 2016:
radio broadcast - April 2016:
radio broadcast - March 2016:
Radio broadcast - February 2016: light prepared for the people
Radio broadcast - November 2015
Radio broadcast - December 2015
Radio broadcast - October 2015
Radio broadcast - September 2015
Radio broadcast - August 2015
Radio broadcast - July 2015
Radio broadcast - May 2015
Radio broadcast - April 2015
Radio broadcast - March 2015
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - February 2015
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - December 2014
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - November 2014
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - July 2014
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - June 2014
In the company of Saint Joseph - May 2014
In the company of Saint Joseph - April 2014
In the company of Saint Joseph - March 2014
Radio broadcast - December 2013
Radio broadcast - October 2013
Radio broadcast - September 2013
Radio broadcast - August 2013
Radio broadcast - July 2013
Radio broadcast - May 2013
Radio broadcast - April 2013
Radio broadcast - December 2012
Radio broadcast - November 2012
Saint Joseph our traveling companion
Radio broadcast - September 2012
Radio broadcast - August 2012
Radio broadcast - July 2012
Radio broadcast - June 2012
Radio broadcast - May 2012
Radio broadcast - April 2012
Radio broadcast - March 2012
Radio broadcast - February 2012
Radio broadcast - January 2012
Radio broadcast - December 2011
Radio broadcast - November 2011
Radio broadcast - July 2011
Radio broadcast - June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011
Works of the Pious Union
2019 Calendar
December 2019
Madonna of the bowl
September 2019
July 2019
Giuseppe's "maternal" assistance
Door of the heart always open
Jesus accepts the three fruits
A date on the journey to Egypt
«Madonna della pap»
«Feed the hungry»
Opere Pia Unione - June 2024
Family that has Saint Joseph as its father
A foundation stone and a great hope
The 7 Sundays in honor of Saint Joseph
Call to prayer in support of our dead
The "charity doors" open
A support network for the most important step of human existence
La Pira is an authentic Christian to imitate
The "heralds" of yesterday are the "friends" of Saint Joseph today
Fertile seeds of the cult of Saint Joseph in Brazilian land
Beauty saves the world of believers
On May 26th blessing of the "Portal of Faith"
The "door of faith" as the door to Paradise
Competing with “centimeters”
The "door of faith" in honor of Saint Joseph
In our units of measurement we find weight and centimeters. The weight of a tile of the new portal of the Basilica is just under 50 kg and with a surface area of approximately 400 centimetres. Calculating the cost of a tile, finished and applied to the new portal, we arrive at a cost of 8000 euros. In these ten panels, each square centimeter is similar to an ideal mosaic in honor of Saint Joseph and each centimeter costs 20 euros. Then 1cm² = 20 euros and 2cm² = 40 euros and following: 3cm² = 60 euros; 5cm² = 100 euros; 10cm² = 200; 100cm² = 2.000 euros and so on up to the complete panel and here we are at 400cm² = 8000 euros. For those who intend to collaborate on the costs for the creation of this valuable tribute to Saint Joseph on the jubilee of the birth of the Pious Union, you can use the ccpn 413005 or by bank transfer with the Iban IT17W056 9603 2030 00002903X43 of the Pia Unione. For information: tel. 06 39737681 or 06 39740055, to the e-mail:
The Works of the Pious Union are a sign of vitality in faith
"Ain Karin - visit"
The "7" Sundays: a restorative cure of spirituality
The spiritual adoption of a seminarian
Charity, creative intelligence
We buy a travel ticket
Presentation of the Pious Union
How you can help
Add a seat at the table
Time with St. Joseph
The perpetual or Wednesday lamp
Celebrate, remember, support, intercede
Continue the Meeting
The pain of mothers
We restore dignity at the end of life
Because a sick body can give health to the soul
Because a sick body can give health to the soul
Those who fail to take root in others truly die
God is not in the earthquake but in the brotherhood of people
Sister Death lives next to us, belonging to life
For the elderly, recover competence and attention
«Don Vincenzo, don't lose your smile»
Hold on to the tormented thread of fear
We learn an avalanche of knowledge, but not how to die
When love extends the joy of living
Let's not deny the little ones from discovering the dark sides of life
For Michelangelo, death is mother
The role of communication
Solidarity and hospitality are the requirements to accompany us to the final frontier
Right to die or freedom to live?
The question: responding to life's expectations
Suggestions from Elisabeth Kübler Ross
Death does not close the curtain on life
Presentation of the 2014 calendar
The big step
Fear not of death but of what precedes it
The gift of life, the pinnacle of happiness
Secret resources in disease
A courageous voice in the ford of life
If tomorrow... I want a little patience
Nobody is abandoned
One way ticket
Welcome, "baby seven billion"
We have moved from the right to the "duty" to die
Commitment to offering quality of life to the years
With him no one felt like an orphan
Between doubts and fixed points
A love stronger than evil
Four works to honor Saint Joseph and ask for his intercession
Under your protection, oh Saint Joseph
Family report
Building a small fraternity
To respond to the charity of Christ
Family memories in the Pious Union
For a new prophecy of charity
Let's give some numbers
Request Prayer Vademecum
Special | Box to give as a gift
We adopt a seminarian or a young priest
Walking in the "shadow of the Father"
2019 Calendar
Portal of the blessed oil
The "perpetual suffrage" office
A solemnity to prepare with faith
The “7” like the musical notes for the harmony of perfection
A silent agony of the Christian community
The apocryphal gospels sparks of light in popular tradition
Illustrated calendar 2016 thinking about migrants
Stories of men and women
Novena of St. Joseph 2014
Where to find us
Registration for relatives and friends
Request for prayers
The Works of the Pious Union
How you can help
Add a seat at the table
The perpetual or Wednesday lamp
Make your offer
The last
Interview with Mother Cánopi
Lives erased for a crazy "strategy of tension"
Brotherly love knows rights but above all it is an obligation to give
A year of discovering faith
Revival of craftsmanship as a cultural challenge
Investigation of St. Joseph
Saint Joseph, an exemplary husband and parent. Interview with Ernesto Olivero
The Holy Mass in memory of Bishop Bacciarini at the Sacred Heart of Lugano
New meeting Holy See - German bishops on the synodal path of the Church in Germany
The Annual Report of the Conference of European Churches
Comece: document from the "Youth Network" on "digital challenges" to help families consume respectfully of human dignity
Migrants: 26.701 people have landed on our coasts since the beginning of the year. Almost 12,9% are unaccompanied minors
Pope Francis: “Have the courage to make proposals for justice and peace in the public debate”
End of life, Msgr. Paglia: the greatest cure is to stay close
XXV National Conference on Pastoral Health Care
CEI Assembly: the Rite of institution of the ministry of the catechist approved
Pope Francis: audience, "there is a shortage of vocations in Italy", "let's pray for vocations"
Peter came among us
Saint Joseph the worker, symbol of the dignity of work
Synod: card. Hollerich, "keeping the synodal dynamic alive in the local Churches"
The work of the National Committee of the Synodal Path concluded
The Village for the Earth: young people, peace, environment to take care of the common home
Parolin: for the Pope, negotiating is not surrender, but a condition for a just and lasting peace
World Children's Day, two "days of purity" for peace
From Monday 8 January masses from the Basilica of San Giuseppe al Trionfale
Italians in the world report 2023: missionaries going and returning to bring the Gospel to the people
Social Doctrine Festival: from 24 to 26 November in Verona on “Sociamente liberi”
Pope Francis: “Killing children is cruelty, an injustice”
The cry for peace also resonates in Brussels
46th National Day for Life
Argentina: bishops invite communities to pray for "peace and justice", in the face of tensions in the northern provinces
Surrogacy: European Court of Human Rights, no to registration of children in the registry office is legitimate. The path to adoption has been indicated
Migrants: 58.782 people have landed on our coasts since the beginning of the year. Over 8.400 in June
Paul VI, sixty years after his election, the legacy of a Church "in dialogue and journey"
Pope Francis entrusts the young people of the world to Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Saint Joseph returns among us
The CEI: "Sunday Mass remains the essential appointment for those who believe"
The Italian Church promotes the collection for Syria and Türkiye
Pope Francis: to Calabrian seminarians, "beware of careerism, it's a plague"
Migrants: 26.927 people have landed on our coasts since the beginning of the year. Over 6.500 in 5 days
Society. The world of young people needs to open up to others
The spiritual testament of Pope Benedict XVI
The last words of Benedict XVI: “Lord I love you!”
Feast in the San Pio X Seminary
Pope Francis: "The covenant of old people and children will save the human family"
Young people and the new Italy, beyond the pandemic and the vote: "green economy" and sustainability
Euthanasia, the Argentine Church encourages the protection of life
Via Lucis 2022, ready to start following the example of 14 witnesses
Italy, a document from the CEI summarizes the work of the first year of the synodal path
Feast of San Giuseppe at the Trionfale, after the pandemic
End of life: Msgr. Russo (CEI), "avoid ideologies that are not good for anyone"
The Pope's prayer for the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to Mary
Pope Francis: the increase in military spending is a shame
DR Congo, the Pope's pain for the "atrocious" attack in a refugee camp
Priesthood, the Pope will open a symposium in the Vatican on celibacy, vocations, tradition
Prayer of thanks for carers
Re-election Mattarella: card. Bassetti (CEI), “point of reference for all citizens”
Pope Francis: video message, "we are brothers, we cannot save ourselves alone". “We must promote a culture of peace”
A maternity hospital, "the dream" of Ambassador Attanasio
Iraq: AICS and UPP, opening of new mental health and psychosocial support department at Al Salam hospital in eastern Mosul
Disability delegation law: is "total independence" good for everyone?
Welcome: the European Churches respond to the Pope's appeal
Francis: humility is the lesson of Christmas
October 24: World Mission Day
49th Social Week: CEI, program presented
In the EU, 73,4% of over 18s are vaccinated, but Bulgaria, Romania and Latvia are still behind
“Religions and education: towards the global pact on education”
The General Assembly of the CEI started the "synodal path" in Italy
Towards the future, with confidence
Citizenship income is necessary for those who need it
In the end, Tokyo it is!
Grandparents, custodians of love, patience and wisdom
The 2020 report of the 8xthousand to the Catholic Church is online
Church and disability. Sister Donatello (CEI): "Disabled people have positions of responsibility, quotas are no longer sufficient"
A global campaign for the recognition of the vaccine as a global good
Disability: Sister Donatello (CEI), "no to pietistic postures, make the community responsible"
Pope Francis: the Synod of Bishops from October 2021 to October 2023, in the Vatican and in the dioceses
CEI: from 24 to 27 May the 74th General Assembly on the "synodal path"
The lily of St. Joseph
Water Day, the Pope: act without delay to avoid waste and pollution
Bassetti: “We are looking at the vaccination campaign with confidence”
In the frame of the Josephan year, a celebration in times of pandemic
Patronal feast 2021
Work as prayer
Even in Abruzzo, after Lazio, disabled people are vaccinated
Religion hour in Italy, a question of culture
In Venezuela there is still a tragic situation
With the 8xmille projects of hope in Centrafica
Women have the ministry of acolyte and lector
The card. Bassetti returns to his Perugia
"In the evening of life"
Conference: "Get up, take the child and his mother with you"
Online platforms and online support
Vaccines will arrive soon
Nothing is thrown away: good practices in times of Covid
From Sunday the new Missal
5 day later pill: Mpv, "defeat of science, reason, common sense and hidden multiplication of abortions"
CISF Report 2020: "The family in the post-family society"
Carlo Acutis: a computer saint
Even if different, all brothers
Holy Land, the Custody offers homes to avoid the exodus of Christians
borto and Ru486: Beatrice Fazi, new guidelines "risk leaving women even more alone". “To girls in difficulty I say: ask for help and have faith”
“Getting involved”, a manual with the thoughts and advice of Pope Francis
Francis: the new CEI Missal in line with the Council
Caritas Sicily: "Do not create a dangerous climate, the effort must be common"
Holy See: "missionary conversion" in parishes and pastoral units
From 1st July "Rete che listened". There is an active telephone number for families in difficulty
Covid has worsened inequalities
Digital teaching rejected by mothers
The largest hospital in the world
The testimony of two bishops recovered from coronavirus
Africa: "low intensity wars" cause more deaths than the coronavirus
Card. Bassetti (Perugia) to priests, "do not be afraid to open your oratories in the ways in which it is permitted"
Sant'Egidio: the number of people in need of support is increasing
Together with the Pope in the recitation of the Holy Rosary
Italy entrusted to the Madonna
Phase 2, the prison also awaits a turning point
High Committee for Human Fraternity: May 14th we pray for humanity
Against the pandemic, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the real "task force" is that of street priests
Italian Caritas on Coronavirus emergency: the number of "new poor" has more than doubled
Holy Week in the family: the subsidy
For a sustainable economy
Don Mario at "On the road to Damascus" Sunday at 9
Pope Francis: in Santa Maria Maggiore and San Marcello al Corso to "invoke the end of the pandemic affecting Italy and the world"
Praying for the country with Saint Joseph
Mass celebrations in Italy: the CEI illustrates how to do it in the "red zones" and non-infected dioceses
The urgency of conversion in the Pope's message for Lent
The "bitternesses in the life of the priest". Pope's speech to the clergy of Rome
The young Carlo Acutis (15 years old) will be proclaimed blessed
8x1000 funds: a construction site of 90 projects for the poorest countries
Pope in Bari: card. Bassetti, "synodal method" is "starting a process". Delivery of the final document
The Scienza & Vita association launches a campaign for palliative care
New Guanellian religious province of South America
Pan-European Forum of Brotherhoods in Lugano (15-16 February)
Making the elderly feel like a living part of the community
Meeting of Catholic doctors on the elderly, therapeutic abandonment and the risk of euthanasia
Life becomes history
The Holy See asks the WEF to “listen to the cries of the Earth and the poor
Diocesan Catholic press: FISC addresses technological innovation
The Italian Bishops have the well-being and growth of our country at heart
From 18 to 25 January the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
#IoAccolgo, in Rome in action to help the poorest
There are 260 million Christians persecuted in the world
The perennial novelty of the "7 Sundays" in preparation for the feast of St. Joseph
Mother Serena's passage to eternal life
At the table, cell phones away, let's get back to the dialogue
«….what makes us different is goodness...»
«Peace as a path of hope»
Book of Christmas stories by Franco Cardini
Assisted suicide: Swiss bishops ask priests to leave the room of those who kill themselves
Pedophilia and abuse: pontifical secrecy abolished
The Italian bishops strengthen training for media operators
Book by Vittore De Carli on priests in illness
Marriages in Italy: civil marriages are 50,1% of the total
Meeting the poor increases faith in Jesus
The Pope: no to the persecution of the Jews
Aquila and Priscilla models of Christian spouses and committed lay faithful
The Church in Thailand, the first educational agency
Appointment on Wednesday 20 November at 16,30 pm to remember the deceased members of the Pious Union
Catholic school: in Italy 7.995, two thirds of all private schools which in total are 12.547
Loyal dogs that allow those without sight to move
2019 Calendar: Saint Joseph, 150 years patron of the Church
The profound meaning of "bread" for the culture of the country
Today there is food for everyone but not everyone can access it
The Pope: Puebla, seed for the Evangelii gaudium
The Church for the care of the "common home". Synod on the Amazon
Guanellian Mission Day | October 6, 2019
Alzheimer's – Carpe diem
Vegetarians for a day
Catholic associations in politics. No to euthanasia and assisted suicide. Palliative care is an effective right for everyone
"Witnessing Communion in Mission. Prophecy and challenges"
Bartholomew: "The gift of Peter's relics is a crucial step towards unity"
Barbecue danger: how to avoid it
The value and objectives of the pilgrimage
The "Speakers' Olympics" in the diocese of Milan
A site, a video and a guide for the Extraordinary Missionary Month
Three new blessed in the Church: they were Red Cross nurses killed in the Spanish civil war
Vocation is a call to freedom in the freedom to give oneself to God and others
Guanellian Missionary Presence
Drugs, EU report: "the use of synthetic substances increases"
The passing of Cardinal Elio Sgreccia, a true "pioneer of bioethics"
From 3 to 9 June in Italy, museums, archives and ecclesiastical libraries will be open
Message from the Pope to the Director General of FAO
CEI: third world charitable interventions, 69 projects approved
Catholic Action Rome: a faithful and constructive presence for 150 years
Impossible Horizons
Wounded by pain, touched by Grace"
Visit to the poor in the city of Cuddalore
In Como a day on Christian joy and the figure of Saint Beretta Molla
Young Guanellians in Florence for their Meeting
The Church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami at the Roman Forum has reopened
The 150th anniversary of the Bambino Gesù Hospital
“Christus Vivit” exhortation of the Pope after the Synod of young people
A luminous trail in a season of eclipses of spirituality
Disabled people at work: reflections by Furlan (CISL)
The Pope's spiritual exercises 6 years after his election
Book by Don Virginio Colmegna on the dignity of the least
There are one billion and 313 million Catholics in the world
Mothers supporting priests in training and mission
“I am worth the entire community in which I live”
The African is my brother
A Christmas in Kabul
2/A Lenten journey in search of an ever new Infinity of God (2)
Curiosities and useful words
Great ideals always generate great passions
Handkerchief knot
A knot in the handkerchief
The holy stairs
The mysterious houses
The men of sleep
The resurrection rotifer
The fountains of the saints
Tiberius' holes
Proverb of the month
The sacred mountains: appointments with the Spirit
Peaches in syrup
Holy bread
Fewer young people, fewer marriages, fewer children
A chorus of prayers for the living and the dead
How fleas were born
Trust in God
The harvest of the Lord
The tradition of the Easter egg
A spider web as a protective barrier
The beams of San Giuseppe
Pinocchio “a piece of wood”, parable of human life
The Lord and the Fox - January 2019
The stain and the nail
The halchechengi, or the lantern of Diogenes
Curiosities and useful words - January 2018
The plane tree, symbol of ingenuity
The plane tree, plant of refreshment
The pomegranate, fruit of Paradise
Knowing how to tell may be enough
Calendar - April 2017
The Peach, the heart and the word
Knowing how to tell
April 2017 calendar
Recipe April 2017
Hell and Heaven - March 2017
Calendar - March 2017
Curiosities and useful words - March 2017
The Almond and the Glory Almond
Calendar - February
The perfect pearl
... this time the fox ate the grapes
Spirituality lesson
Three humble fishermen reveal the power of God
The world?
Unpleasant but real similarities
The eagle and the hawk
David's flute
The swan song
The spider and the cave
The most worthy
The shop of truth
it happened
The wolf and the squirrel
The monkey and the camel
Good to know - August 2014
Good to know - June 2014
Good to know - May 2014
San Giuseppe in Sicily
The word to the facts
Dante and his masterpiece: help to recover the nostalgia of the stars
“The fugitive Ghibellin”, “The father of the Italian language”: two ways to indicate Dante
The "Golden Lion" goes to Roberto Benigni for the little "devil" with the heart of a father
A master of faith in the flowering of the fabric of concreteness in search of light
The word as a splendor of eternal light
Dante and his modernity
The first apprenticeship of a parish priest different from the others
“Heaven on earth” in the drama of a man
Sacred Family
Exit from the tunnel to recover life
John Paul II an authentic master of life
We are being treated, to recover from "neglected" illnesses
A farewell which is presence, a perseverance which is a bond, a praise which is adoration
A puppet that represents rebellious humanity far from the Father
Console us by Christ to be the consolation of the afflicted ourselves
Holy Family "migrant" not an image of "pity" but of "solutions"
The one hundred false rumors of Fake News
Works of the Pious Union
Works of the Pious Union
Itineraries in Christian Rome
Sant'Agnese outside the walls
St. John Lateran
St. Paul Outside the Walls
Peter's tomb
The Aracoeli
The Ara Pacis
Time with St. Joseph
Radio broadcast - March 2022
Radio broadcast - February 2022
Radio broadcast - June 2021
Radio broadcast - May 2021
Radio broadcast - March 2021
Radio broadcast - December 2020
Radio broadcast - June 2020
Radio broadcast - May 2020
Radio broadcast - April 2020
Radio broadcast - March 2020
Radio broadcast - October 2019
Radio broadcast - November 2019
Radio broadcast - February 2020
Radio broadcast - June 2019
Radio broadcast - July 2019
Radio broadcast - January 2019
Radio broadcast - February 2019
Radio broadcast - March 2019
Radio broadcast - May 2019
Radio broadcast - November 2018
Radio broadcast - December 2018
Radio broadcast - November 2017
Radio broadcast - December 2017
Radio broadcast - January 2018
Transmission - March 2018
Radio broadcast - May 2018
Radio broadcast - June 2018
Radio broadcast - July 2018
Radio broadcast - September 2018
Radio broadcast - October 2018
Radio broadcast - October 2017
Radio broadcast - September 2017
Radio broadcast - July 2017
Radio broadcast - July 2016:
Radio broadcast - August 2016
Radio broadcast - September 2016
Radio broadcast - October 2016 (2)
Radio broadcast - November 2016
Radio broadcast - December 2016
Radio broadcast - January 2017
Radio broadcast - February 2017
Radio broadcast - March 2017
Radio broadcast - April 2017
Radio broadcast - June 2017
radio broadcast - June 2016:
Radio broadcast - May 2016:
radio broadcast - April 2016:
radio broadcast - March 2016:
Radio broadcast - February 2016: light prepared for the people
Radio broadcast - November 2015
Radio broadcast - December 2015
Radio broadcast - October 2015
Radio broadcast - September 2015
Radio broadcast - August 2015
Radio broadcast - July 2015
Radio broadcast - May 2015
Radio broadcast - April 2015
Radio broadcast - March 2015
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - February 2015
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - December 2014
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - November 2014
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - July 2014
Director's broadcast on Radio Mater - June 2014
In the company of Saint Joseph - May 2014
In the company of Saint Joseph - April 2014
In the company of Saint Joseph - March 2014
Radio broadcast - December 2013
Radio broadcast - October 2013
Radio broadcast - September 2013
Radio broadcast - August 2013
Radio broadcast - July 2013
Radio broadcast - May 2013
Radio broadcast - April 2013
Radio broadcast - December 2012
Radio broadcast - November 2012
Saint Joseph our traveling companion
Radio broadcast - September 2012
Radio broadcast - August 2012
Radio broadcast - July 2012
Radio broadcast - June 2012
Radio broadcast - May 2012
Radio broadcast - April 2012
Radio broadcast - March 2012
Radio broadcast - February 2012
Radio broadcast - January 2012
Radio broadcast - December 2011
Radio broadcast - November 2011
Radio broadcast - July 2011
Radio broadcast - June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011
Works of the Pious Union
2019 Calendar
December 2019
Madonna of the bowl
September 2019
July 2019
Giuseppe's "maternal" assistance
Door of the heart always open
Jesus accepts the three fruits
A date on the journey to Egypt
«Madonna della pap»
«Feed the hungry»
Opere Pia Unione - June 2024
Family that has Saint Joseph as its father
A foundation stone and a great hope
The 7 Sundays in honor of Saint Joseph
Call to prayer in support of our dead
The "charity doors" open
A support network for the most important step of human existence
La Pira is an authentic Christian to imitate
The "heralds" of yesterday are the "friends" of Saint Joseph today
Fertile seeds of the cult of Saint Joseph in Brazilian land
Beauty saves the world of believers
On May 26th blessing of the "Portal of Faith"
The "door of faith" as the door to Paradise
Competing with “centimeters”
The "door of faith" in honor of Saint Joseph
In our units of measurement we find weight and centimeters. The weight of a tile of the new portal of the Basilica is just under 50 kg and with a surface area of approximately 400 centimetres. Calculating the cost of a tile, finished and applied to the new portal, we arrive at a cost of 8000 euros. In these ten panels, each square centimeter is similar to an ideal mosaic in honor of Saint Joseph and each centimeter costs 20 euros. Then 1cm² = 20 euros and 2cm² = 40 euros and following: 3cm² = 60 euros; 5cm² = 100 euros; 10cm² = 200; 100cm² = 2.000 euros and so on up to the complete panel and here we are at 400cm² = 8000 euros. For those who intend to collaborate on the costs for the creation of this valuable tribute to Saint Joseph on the jubilee of the birth of the Pious Union, you can use the ccpn 413005 or by bank transfer with the Iban IT17W056 9603 2030 00002903X43 of the Pia Unione. For information: tel. 06 39737681 or 06 39740055, to the e-mail:
The Works of the Pious Union are a sign of vitality in faith
"Ain Karin - visit"
The "7" Sundays: a restorative cure of spirituality
The spiritual adoption of a seminarian
Charity, creative intelligence
We buy a travel ticket
Presentation of the Pious Union
How you can help
Add a seat at the table
Time with St. Joseph
The perpetual or Wednesday lamp
Celebrate, remember, support, intercede
Continue the Meeting
The pain of mothers
We restore dignity at the end of life
Because a sick body can give health to the soul
Because a sick body can give health to the soul
Those who fail to take root in others truly die
God is not in the earthquake but in the brotherhood of people
Sister Death lives next to us, belonging to life
For the elderly, recover competence and attention
«Don Vincenzo, don't lose your smile»
Hold on to the tormented thread of fear
We learn an avalanche of knowledge, but not how to die
When love extends the joy of living
Let's not deny the little ones from discovering the dark sides of life
For Michelangelo, death is mother
The role of communication
Solidarity and hospitality are the requirements to accompany us to the final frontier
Right to die or freedom to live?
The question: responding to life's expectations
Suggestions from Elisabeth Kübler Ross
Death does not close the curtain on life
Presentation of the 2014 calendar
The big step
Fear not of death but of what precedes it
The gift of life, the pinnacle of happiness
Secret resources in disease
A courageous voice in the ford of life
If tomorrow... I want a little patience
Nobody is abandoned
One way ticket
Welcome, "baby seven billion"
We have moved from the right to the "duty" to die
Commitment to offering quality of life to the years
With him no one felt like an orphan
Between doubts and fixed points
A love stronger than evil
Four works to honor Saint Joseph and ask for his intercession
Under your protection, oh Saint Joseph
Family report
Building a small fraternity
To respond to the charity of Christ
Family memories in the Pious Union
For a new prophecy of charity
Let's give some numbers
Request Prayer Vademecum
Special | Box to give as a gift
We adopt a seminarian or a young priest
Walking in the "shadow of the Father"
2019 Calendar
Portal of the blessed oil
The "perpetual suffrage" office
A solemnity to prepare with faith
The “7” like the musical notes for the harmony of perfection
A silent agony of the Christian community
The apocryphal gospels sparks of light in popular tradition
Illustrated calendar 2016 thinking about migrants
Stories of men and women
Novena of St. Joseph 2014
Your letters, your problems
September 2012
The mirror
Letters of April 2024
Saint Joseph accompanies us every day in all our needs
We pray for everyone
I also turned to Saint Joseph to thank
Saint Joseph leads us to the house of Jesus
A heartfelt commitment
An effective presence
Letters May 2021
Welcome encouragement from the card. Poletto
A peaceful childhood thanks to Saint Luigi Guanella
Eminent emotional fatherhood
Reading is making life blossom
Saint Joseph a "carpenter" who rebuilds lives
Saint Joseph, a “carpenter” who rebuilds lives
Affiliated to the Pious Union for one hundred years
Enthusiasm in appreciating a gift to be "unwrapped" as a present
Divine mercy is always on the move in search of the lost
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