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5th anniversary of Amoris Laetitia

The year dedicated to the family on the fifth anniversary of Amoris Laetitia was proclaimed by Pope Francis on 27 December 2020, to allow the fruits of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation to ripen and make the Church closer to families in the world, put to the test in this last year since the pandemic. This year will end on June 26, 2022, with the tenth World Meeting of Families. The reflections that will mature will be made available to ecclesial communities and families, to accompany them on their journey.

by Nico Rutigliano

«The alliance of man and woman, which envelops history and the human condition – explains Pierangelo Sequeri, Dean of the Pontifical Institute John Paul II – hinges on the family, but goes beyond its family grammar: the Christian vocation is that to bring this alliance to the places of politics, economics, law, care and culture".

Since the Apostolic Exhortation still possesses, after five years, a richness yet to be discovered, this year's announcement by the Pope is a sort of provocation, to set the whole Church in motion, to offer a contribution capable of espousing pastoral and theology, in view of the World Meeting of Families scheduled for Rome in 2022.

“We have difficulty presenting marriage as a dynamic path of growth,” says Pope Francis in n. 37 of Amoris Laetitia. We struggle to give space to the conscience of the faithful, who often respond well to the Gospel, in the midst of their fragility, and carry forward a discernment that breaks all the mold. Here then is the challenge: "We are called to form consciences, not to pretend to replace them."

Despite the good will of spouses and the preparation programs for marriage, crises are on the increase. In 2020 there was an annual increase in separations of 60% in Italy due to the coronavirus emergency and so-called "forced cohabitation". New unions and cohabitations are growing. What attitude, then, should the Church take in its concrete choices in the pastoral field and in terms of the sacraments? It is necessary to adopt that basic attitude that Pope Francis outlined at the Ecclesial Conference in Florence in 2015, when he invited the Italian Church to flee from two temptations: the Pelagian one, typical of those who, faced with life, prefer to adopt a style of control, harshness and normativeness ("The norm gives the Pelagian the security of feeling superior, of having a precise orientation"), and the gnostic one, typical of those who remain closed within the confines of their own beliefs and feelings ("The charm of Gnosticism is that of a faith locked in subjectivism").

Listening, reception, mediation and consultancy structures are also necessary in the event of a couple's crisis, or in cases of separation which has occurred as highlighted in n. 244. The professional figures and the contribution that experts in human relations, problem solving and human sciences can make are therefore indispensable and fundamental.

With the year dedicated to Amoris Laetitia, what needs to change? What paths should the pastoral care of the family take? Before making studies or proposals we should ask ourselves: what steps have we taken in our pastoral care from March 2016 to today? Only then will it be possible to help the family by enhancing its social dimension, supporting its ability to educate its children, enhancing its ability to animate places and communities with Christian values. 

We don't want to leave anyone out, but we need to make a distinction: the Church speaks of marriage as a sacrament, not as a civil union – specifies Cardinal Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for the laity, family and life, and adds: «Those who cannot benefit from full participation in the Church, it does not mean that they cannot be accompanied." The distinction between sacramental marriage and civil union is therefore highlighted. During this special year the Dicastery will meet many dioceses from all over the world that deal with homosexual couples. There are situations in which there are divorced and remarried people, the Church continues to accompany them.

«Pope Francis' appeal to love and family harmony can be welcomed by those who experience marriage as a sacrament», maintain the Miano couple, «but it is also a universally valid appeal: this Year is first and foremost a propitious time to cultivate good marital and family relationships."

Conjugal love is the most precious and delicate value that is at stake. God's love inhabits the family and helps spouses in the sacrament. They must, for their part, take care of and safeguard this gift. The safeguarding of this love is not just external behaviour, but is first of all an internal attitude made of mutual esteem between the spouses; valorization of the skills and qualities of the other; appreciation and passion for marital and family good; support and support towards fragilities, fears, defects; participation in everyone's challenges; co-responsibility in joint ventures; sincerity and mutual respect; ability to apologize and know how to forgive yourself.

Saint Joseph is a model in this case: with his discreet and hidden presence he was able to nurture love within the Holy Family. He knew how to experience the tenderness that Pope Francis talks about in Patris Corde. Joseph is not a superhero, but a man who trusted God, did not run away from his responsibilities, did not give in to his fears, did not flee from difficulties, but left the guidance of his life to God.

Families have been able to demonstrate good resilience during the economic and health emergency. They are therefore capable of taking care of conjugal love, the family and its members. In this Year dedicated to them, in the logic of self-giving, they will deploy responsibility and a spirit of sacrifice. They will be able to realize God's dream. 

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