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Cardinal Elio Sgreccia, a well-known bioethicist esteemed worldwide, passed away on 5 June in Rome. President emeritus of the Pontifical Academy for Life, author of numerous books and studies published and translated throughout the world, he was born in 1928 in Nidastore in Arcevia, Ancona. The day after his passing, June 6, he would have turned 91. 

As soon as the news arrived, Pope Francis wanted to remember him with a telegram in which among other things he underlines the "capillary action of study, training and evangelization" in defense of the life he led. In the memories that appeared in the Catholic press, it is underlined that his life was "a life dedicated to defending the sacredness of human life from its first moment to its natural end. The last of six children, the cardinal attended the seminary in Fano, becoming a priest on 29 June 1952. After various diocesan and seminary teaching positions, when in 1973 the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Roman branch of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart decided to strengthen the pastoral service is chosen for that role. From 1985 he became director of the Bioethics Center and from April 1992 director of the Bioethics Institute of the Catholic University. His collaborations with organizations and institutions at European level are numerous, including  the Ethics Committee of the Council of Europe and the Italian National Committee for Bioethics.

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