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Love for deceased loved ones goes beyond the barrier of time

The wind of prayer rekindles the light of grace and communion with God. Eternal life is "the moment of endless love". It is an infinite moment in which God envelops us with his embrace of love. In human language we must resort to the experience of our eyes when they look at the tenderness of two lovers, or like a child attached to his mother's breast who fixes his little eyes in his mother's eyes to have, in addition to milk, the comfort of her smile and her benevolence. The catechism of the Catholic Church states that Purgatory is not so much a place, but a condition of quivering nostalgia in fully possessing that light that we have momentarily lost due to our fragility and our sins. Our relationship with the deceased does not cease at the moment of their death, but the sacrament of baptism, which unites us with the risen Christ, keeps these bonds of communion firm. Our love for our deceased loved ones goes beyond the barrier of time. Our journey of conversion, prayer, fasting and good works for the benefit of our needy brothers and sisters is like a wind that blows on the fire of God's love that embraces and warms our dearly departed and allows them to participate to the joy of divine light.