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Tuesday, 07 February 2012 13:41

Intention of the month of February 2012

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Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Maria,
Mother of the Church,
in union with the Sacrifice
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
in reparation for sins, for salvation
of all men,
in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.



General Intention

«So that all people have full access to water and the resources necessary for daily sustenance»

Missionary intention

«So that the Lord may support the efforts of health workers from the poorest regions in assisting the sick and the elderly»

Intention of the Bishops

«Each community should invest its best energies in educating the new generations in the good life of the Gospel»

Intention of the Pious Union

«For the victims of violence with a thousand faces (in the family)»

We pray to you, Lord, for ourselves and for our family: heal and support the victims, touch the heart and heal those who strike, because in the end it is the family that suffers. Amen.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:14

Intention of the month of January 2012

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Offer prayer
Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Maria,
Mother of the Church,
in union with the Sacrifice
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
in reparation for sins, for salvation
of all men,
in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.



General Intention

«For the victims of natural disasters: may they receive the spiritual and material comfort necessary to rebuild their lives»

Missionary intention

«So that the commitment of Christians in favor of peace is an opportunity to bear witness to the name of Christ to all men of good will»

Intention of the Bishops

«Ecumenical dialogue increases communion between the baptized of different confessions, offering a more credible testimony to a world torn by discord»

Intention of the Pious Union

«For unwanted children and mothers in difficulty due to pregnancy»
Father, accompany me, help mum, dad and everyone to feel alive, to desire me, to give me the chance to be born, to live and then to thank them for this.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011 11pm

Does God listen to our prayer?

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by Ottavio De Bertolis

In the Gospel, Jesus invites us to confidently ask God for everything we need. You will all remember his consoling words: "seek and you will find, ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you". Indeed, Jesus invites us to ask knowing immediately that what we have asked will be answered. St. John, then, in his letter, expressly tells us that we obtain everything we ask for, and indeed, we already know that we have obtained it. But then, why does it sometimes happen that we don't get what we ask for? Does God deceive us, or reject us, or is he simply an illusion for poor people who have no hope? I think we can try to answer this question, so true and so felt by many, and ultimately by all of us, at least sometimes, in many ways.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011 10pm

Intention of the month of December 2011

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Apostolate of Prayer

December 2011


Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Mother
of the Church, in union
to the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
under repair
of sins,
for the salvation of all
men, in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


Pope's intention

All peoples
of the earth
they grow
in harmony
and in peace


Missionary intention

Children and young people
let them be messengers of the Gospel
and their dignity is respected


Intention of the Bishops

The Holy Spirit
arouses a deeper
and authentic communion
among the laity
and the presbyters


Intention of the Pious Union

For children without families

Hello Jesus! Here we are in front of you, no one is missing. We are children without families. In the sense that ours is unknown to us, absent, broken, due to drama or desperation, due to loneliness or abandonment. We are witnesses of pain and loss, but also of the miracle that can always happen when someone - a man and a woman - gathers us to hold us close to their chest, like fragrant bread that has just come out of the oven. Without saying: “Who is this?”.

We are without family and difficulty is our daily grace; for some it is also the surprise of a couple who bends over our fragility to make us experience what is good and true in their life, without asking for anything in return, as a pure gesture of love that brings nothing except the emotion of learn to call ourselves children.

Whoever welcomes us learns another thing: reality changes outline, everything takes on new value: it is You, Jesus, who manifests Yourself in their eyes. Yes, because we are your presence. We are Christmas every day and whoever bends over this Bethlehem manger stands up with a different gaze, capable of welcoming the destiny of another.

If a family makes room for those who have none,
even his house is transformed and becomes a castle. Whatever it may be, it shows itself to be designed to live in beauty. Only the Architect of the galaxies can design these spaces and transform the lairs into homes.
We who are without family have finer skin and bigger eyes, like yours, baby Jesus.
In ours, it is your gaze.
For this reason, the birth point of a gesture of love is the tender embrace that one receives and then reciprocates. It's never the other way around.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 12:48

Intention of the month November 2011

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Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Mother
of the Church, in union
to the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
under repair
of sins,
for the salvation of all
men, in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


Pope's intention

The Eastern Churches
Catholics are known
and esteemed in theirs
spiritual wealth

Missionary intention

The African continent
find in Christ the strength to
walk in reconciliation
and in justice

Intention of the Bishops

The Spirit of the Risen One
help us celebrate
memory in faith
of the deceased brothers


Intention of the Pious Union

If you love me don't cry

"The Sir
welcome into the light
of his Kingdom
all the deceased,
especially those
more needy
of mercy"

«Don't cry, if you love me! If you knew the gift of God that is in heaven! If you could hear the song of the angels and see me among them! If you could see with your own eyes the horizons, the endless fields and the new paths I traverse! If you could contemplate for an instant, like me, the beauty before which all other beauties would disappear!
Believe me, when death comes to break your chains, as it broke those that chained me, and when on a day that God has fixed and knows, your soul ascends to this heaven where mine preceded it, on that day you will return to see the one who loved you and always loves you and you will meet his heart with all its tenderness. You will return to see me, but transfigured and happy, not waiting for death, but advancing with you on the new paths of light and life, drunkenly drinking at the feet of God a nectar, of which no one will ever be satisfied. Dry your tears and don't cry, if you love me!" (St. Augustine) ■

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 12:41

Intention of the month of October 2011

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Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Mother
of the Church, in union
to the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
under repair
of sins,
for the salvation of all
men, in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


Pope's intention

The terminally ill
are supported
by faith in God
and from love

Missionary intention

The celebration of World Mission Day
grow among the People of God
the passion for evangelization

Intention of the Bishops

The Holy Spirit
and comfort
the families
in difficulty


Intention of the Pious Union

For the souls in Purgatory

«O Jesus,  
very lovable
We beg you
to lift
the Souls who suffer
in Purgatory
from the pain
of your distance"

The Church calls "Purgatory" the final purification of the elect, which is something completely different from the punishment of the damned. As in Hell, so in Purgatory there is a double punishment: that of meaning and that of damage. 1) The punishment of the senses consists of sensitive torments produced by a fire whose mysterious power makes the soul suffer as if it had the body. 2) The penalty for damage consists in temporary separation from God. The duration of the stay in Purgatory depends on the penalties to be expiated. In this life God's mercy predominates, in the afterlife his justice predominates. On this earth we can atone for a lot with little, but in Purgatory we can atone for little with a lot. With our votes, we have the possibility of coming to their aid so that their sentences are alleviated and shortened. The most effective means is the Holy Mass. Let us remember that we can purify ourselves on earth before dying. Earth can therefore replace Purgatory, or at least make us shorten it. ■

Thursday, July 16 2011 13: 08

Intention of the month of July 2011

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Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Mother
of the Church, in union
to the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
under repair
of sins,
for the salvation of all
men, in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.

Pope's intention

to relieve
the suffering
and spiritual.

Missionary intention

The religious
in mission territories
let them be a living sign
of God's love.

Intention of the Bishops

The spirit
support those
who dedicate themselves
to volunteering


Prayer from a priest's mother

God love, I thank you for making me the mother of a priest.
Like Mary, the mother of your Son Jesus, I sing my hymn of thanksgiving to your paternal mercy for having placed your gaze of love on our family, calling our son to continue the same mission of Jesus in history: minister of mercy, herald of hope and ring of communion between You and the faithful.
Alongside the gratitude of every mother for the gift of life, I will not hide from you the concern for the mission of my son called to live his priestly ministry in a time of profound and rapid changes.
Let him keep a strong desire for holiness in his soul to be able to radiate it.
May he, in imitation of Jesus, be a good Samaritan for those wounded in life.
Let his heart be open to all, a path that everyone can travel and on which everyone will be able to encounter the very face of Jesus.
Let his generosity not know tiredness, but be like a fountain that quenches the thirst of those who are tired and offers words of hope in a world orphaned of hopes.

Thursday, July 16 2011 13: 04

Intention of the month of August 2011

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Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Mother
of the Church, in union
to the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
under repair
of sins,
for the salvation of all
men, in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


Pope's intention

The day
World of
Youth encourage
young people to found
their life
in Christ.

Missionary intention

of the West find themselves
the freshness and enthusiasm
of their faith.

Intention of the Bishops

The Holy Spirit
grant to young people
to courageously accept the invitation of Jesus who
calls them.


Intention of the Pious Union

Prayer for young people

Jesus, for two thousand years, you have been in the hearts of many young people who feel the profound desire to look into your eyes and scrutinize the panoramas of history made up of people who lived in the warmth of your "good news" that God loves us.
Jesus, there are many young people who, in the light of your truth, express the aspiration to build authentic relationships, to know true love, to dream of founding a united family that guarantees a peaceful and happy future.
Jesus, who worked alongside Saint Joseph in the laboratory of Nazareth, ensure that young people can find a job that gives them dignity, joy of living and being useful; he ensures that no one loses their enthusiasm in search of a greater life.
Jesus, you are the answer to our desire for the infinite. Maintain in all of us the generosity of a youthful heart that knows how to repeat with conviction: "Our heart is restless until it rests in You".
Jesus, let us follow "the imprint of the God of life" on the paths of our human adventure, convinced that eliminating God to make man live is blindness! God is the source of life and eliminating him is equivalent to "the creature vanishing".

Friday, May 27 2011 12: 37

Intention of the month of June 2011

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Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Mother
of the Church, in union
to the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
under repair
of sins,
for the salvation of all
men, in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


Pope's intention

The priests,
united with the Heart
of Christ, let them be
true witnesses
of love
of God.

Missionary intention

May the Holy Spirit do
numerous vocations arise from our communities


Intention of the Bishops

The Holy Spirit
encourages moments of meeting and sharing between associations, groups and movements.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011 14:36 am

Intention of the month of May 2011

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Month of May 2011


Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Mother
of the Church, in union
to the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
under repair
of sins,
for the salvation of all
men, in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


Pope's intention

The means
of communication respect the truth
and dignity
of each person

Missionary intention

The Church in China
persevere in faithfulness
to the Gospel
and grow in unity


Intention of the Bishops

The Holy Spirit
arouse in ours
community new vocations to priestly and consecrated life


Intention of the Pious Union

Prayer from prison

Crucified Lord, look at us.
We are people like you. Condemned. On the gallows and behind the bars of shame. Even awaiting execution, by poison, by rope around the neck, by firing squad or electric chair. This is enough for you: like You, nailed to the cross. Unlike you, we are more often guilty, even if there is no shortage of innocent people among us. Friend, if you knew the immense mystery of detention, where I am. If I saw and heard what I see within these dark walls. And I think bitterly of my loved ones. Who unjustly suffer because of me.
A convict in prison
“I know the devil that was inside me, I was linked to Evil. But since I met the Lord I have no longer committed an act of violence: in these 14 years of death row Jesus, with his forgiveness, has entered my heart! If you have to kill me, do it only for the brutality of my crime, because I have changed now... I love you, I hope that my death gives you peace, again I ask forgiveness from the families I have affected, now I go to meet Jesus, I am waiting for you all in Heaven, He has already prepared a place for me.”


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