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Tuesday, November 29, 2011 12:29

Saint: prophecy and invitation to charity

by Don Mario Carrera

One of the requirements required by the Church to solemnly proclaim a person holy is a severe and detailed examination of the theological and cardinal virtues. Seven virtues to practice fearlessly. But the charm and scent of holiness do not consist in being super-heroes, but in loving Someone with the passion of a lover: it is responding to the seduction of a God-love.
Saint Augustine said that "Every man follows that path where his heart tells him he will find happiness." The joyful smile of the saints comes from the certainty that they are walking on the right path, "they advance through falling in love" and driven by the joy that falling in love itself generates.
Holiness does not advance, therefore, by imposition, but by the charm of the seduction of a "treasure", of a "precious pearl" that moves your steps like a lover following the steps of his lover. Passion flows from a heart that has found such superlative beauty that it enthuses an existence.
Saint Francis of Assisi is the symbol of a person in love. Under the rubble of a ruined church, he found a treasure so precious that it enthusiastically enriched his life.

Monday, July 11 2011 11: 53

Radio broadcast - July 2011

In the Jewish-Christian religion there is a word that occurs frequently: the word exodus. This term indicates movement, journey, search. We know that life itself is a journey through time and in this "journey of life there are no flat roads, they are all either downhill or uphill". In this season even the television news talks about exodus, of torrid, carpeted streets of cars, under a sky without a breath, roads crossed by the desire for the new, the different, for new emotions. The emotions are proportionate to the expectations of the soul. Holidays are not a moment of suspension of our daily activities, they are a dive into free time, the search for different skies, colorful panoramas, but also a moment of recharging our energies. This applies to us today, but also in times of Saint Joseph and Jesus.

Thursday, July 16 2011 15: 10

Mid-August celebration of hope

by Carlo Lapucci

The Assumption of Mary

At the height of summer, at the end of the seasonal work in the countryside, before the arrival of the fruit and grape harvest season, while the wheat is already safely stored away with the other cereals and the sun has not yet made its noticeable weakening felt of its strength, on August 15th the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin into Heaven is celebrated. In many areas it is recognized as the most solemn celebration of the Church, perhaps because it falls in a period without great celebrations and the suspension of agricultural work with the relative rest, an occasion for travel, pilgrimages, returns of people who have gone to live far away, meetings of families. It can certainly be said that it is the most solemn of the Madonna's feasts and rightly so since it is the dies natalis, that is, remembering, as for the Saints, the day of death, the passage from this life to the glory of Heaven. It is one of the oldest festivals, having perhaps been born near the tomb of the Virgin in Jerusalem around 450.


by Daniele Rocchi

A few days before the WYD in Madrid

«We always come back from WYD different, and if you want to give a signal to your life, the Day is a great opportunity. «Sign up!»: the exhortation comes from the head of the National Service for Youth Pastoral Care, Don Nicolò Anselmi, with whom SIR took stock of the organization of the Italian expedition.
At what stage are the preparations for the Italian expedition to Madrid?
"We are finalizing the final details. We have moved in time, particularly activating the dioceses that are collecting registrations, planning travel and transport. However, the last days, those close to departure, will be the most intense and decisive, due to late registrations, I would like to underline, in this regard, that the Spanish organizing committee recommends registering as soon as possible and this is to guarantee the best organization of the event. Organizing in time also means avoiding waste considering the limited funds received Signing up now also benefits your spiritual preparation."
How many young Italians will there be? We are talking about 100 thousand participants...


Thursday, July 16 2011 15: 05

Guido Maria Conforti

of p. Guglielmo Camera, postulator


Conforti, Bishop, missionary, founder of the Xaverians

Blessed Conforti was born in Casalora di Ravadese (a town a few kilometers from Parma, diocese of Parma) in 1865. He was ordained a priest in 1888. Appointed Vice Rector of the Seminary even before his presbyteral ordination, he remained in this office for several years, demonstrating notable qualities as an educator, but above all edifying students with the example of a holy life and with the persuasive word of faith.
In 1894, he was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of Parma and in 1895 he founded the Xaverian Institute for Foreign Missions. In 1902, at the age of 37, by will of Pope Leo XIII he was appointed archbishop of Ravenna, then the seat of cardinals, renouncing it two years later for health reasons.
In 1907 he was appointed Bishop of Parma by Pius In 24, he visited his missionaries in China and in 1928, November 1931, at the age of 5, he died a holy death.

Thursday, July 16 2011 15: 03

The transit of Saint Joseph

by Tarcisio Stramare

Among the privileges of Saint Joseph, the best known and most celebrated is that of his pious death: "He in the arms of Jesus and Mary was consumed with love for his God", we read in the list of the twelve privileges granted to our Saint . The knowledge and diffusion of the Transit in the West are due to the Milanese Dominican Isidoro Isolano, who included its history in his Summa de donis St. Joseph, printed in Pavia, in 1522. He reports that Eastern Catholics usually celebrate with extraordinary veneration is the feast of Saint Joseph on the 1340th of July: "In their churches a life of Saint Joseph is usually read", translated from Hebrew into Latin in XNUMX. It therefore reports some features, which I transcribe here, limiting myself to essential. The story of Joseph's life is attributed to Jesus himself, who confided it to his disciples on Mount Olivet.

Thursday, July 16 2011 15: 00

July-August 2011

A corner of Sicily in the USA

Dear Director, we are Pasquale and Anna, originally from Partanna, in the province of Trapani and we have been residents for more than 40 years in New York, USA
Last March 27, in collaboration with relatives and friends, we set up the altar and the table of San Giuseppe in our house. Together with the offer collected from those who participated, I am sending some photos of the traditional initiative, where you can see the commitment and care of skilled "Sicilian" hands in forming the bread into different shapes and shapes. You may notice some particular symbols of Saint Joseph: the saw and the hammer; the sandals and the palm tree. Then there is the symbol of the monstrance with the SS. Sacramento, two doves and the initials JMG, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. 110 people were present at the blessing of the table, including adults and children, and the dishes we had prepared for this occasion were enough for everyone.
Pasquale and Anna Fasitta
New York, USA

Complaint about a poor postal service

Reverend Don Mario, I am writing to you to complain about the irregular sending of the magazine "La Santa Crociata", a magazine which I care a lot about, finding the same cultural level and high-ranking contents. I believe it is the most important magazine when compared with other magazines in the Campania region where I live, where the circulation of Catholic newspapers, on a monthly basis, represents a consolidated reality.

Dear and dear Mrs. Antonietta, I thank you for your kind attention to our magazine and I express my regret in knowing that the post office deprives you of your right, nullifying the sacrifices of our work and the huge expenses that printing the magazine entails; all realities that are nullified by the carelessness and laziness of postal services.
With the increase in rates last year (1st April 2011 and it wasn't a joke, maybe!) the postal delivery of the magazine costs much more than the cost of paper and printing itself. When you see these results, you should be happy. This treatment condition is reserved only for "non-profit" Italian Post Office customers, because profit customers not only have lower rates, but also have higher earnings, since theirs is commerce and not good works.
This is how the world goes, governed by the rich and supported by the poor.
God help us, Saint Joseph protect us and give us serenity and joy of living with the energy of faith supported by the unshakable hope that evil has been overcome by love.
A warm greeting.

60 years of marriage

Associated with the Pia Unione for many years, Gina and Giorgio from Decimomannu (Cagliari) celebrated their 60th year of marriage this year. They wanted to send us a souvenir photo of themselves.
May Saint Joseph grant them and their large family serenity and joy.



A double and great joy

Dear Don Mario, as you know, my little girl, Camilla, was born and is well. I thank the Pious Union for the prayers that have continuously been made for this birth and for my situation.
The news gave me great joy that my wedding dress that I had sent to the Pia Unione was given to the inmates of the Milan prison who will receive financial income from it for their work.
I still have many worries about our family future related to economic situations, but the joy that comes from the life of faith encourages us not to lose hope.
Much gratitude again,

to the joy of the birth of a new life, there is your beautiful gesture of generosity with the hand of Providence that guided us to the prison cooperative of San Vittore and to Milan. Someone will wear your splendid wedding dress and the guardian angels of your family will praise God and rejoice for this beautiful gesture that honors you.


An edifying memory

Dear Director,
I am one of the three children of Mr. Elia Milano, a long-time member of the Pia Unione del Transito di San Giuseppe. Unfortunately, last March 1st my beloved father passed away. The Lord called him to himself at the end of a long and painful illness. A subtle disease with disabling effects, which forced him to live a good part of his last two years sitting in an armchair and with increasingly limited motor autonomy.
In his hometown of Lamezia Terme he was, for several decades, the highly esteemed Prior of the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception, which was entrusted with the care of the cult of the ancient Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, located in the heart of the historic centre. In this capacity, he worked, beyond all measure, to make that Sacred Building ever more dignified: the restoration of the side chapels (one of which is dedicated to the glorious Saint Joseph), the creation in marble of the main conciliar altar and of the floor of the central nave, the internal and external restoration of the Church, are some of the initiatives he promoted and tenaciously supported until the end. He then spent particular zeal in taking care of the main holidays of 8 December and 19 March, preceded by special novenaries of preparation. A man of daily prayer, whenever possible, he managed to involve mother and us her children in the recitation of the Holy Rosary. In thanking the Lord for the gift of his existence and for the authentic and luminous testimony of Christian faith and practice, generously and continuously offered, I ask you to kindly enter dad's name in the register of the Suffrages Union and to continue to send the magazine to my mother, at the address indicated in the letter.
With senses of esteem and cordiality,
adv. Arturo Milano (by e-mail)

Most esteemed and clear lawyer, I thank you for your kind and dear letter which testifies that in the world alongside so many crafty people there are many people who know how to live civil values ​​with dignity and with their heads held high, accompanied by faith in God the Father of mercy.
We must hope and pray for the goodness of God who continues to sow noble creatures with great and generous feelings in the furrows of our history. I am sending you by post your father's membership card for Perpetual Suffrage and I assure you of my prayers for your father Elia and also for his family.

Thursday, July 16 2011 14: 54

Don Guanellla: «my sister Caterina»

by Franca Vendramin

Caterina was born in Fraciscio di Campodolcino (Sondrio) on 25 March 1841. The following day she was baptized: Maria Caterina Anna. she is the eighth of the large family (13 children) of Lorenzo Guanella and Maria Bianchi; in the following year Luigi, the future Saint Luigi Guanella, was born.
Since childhood Caterina has been linked to her brother by deep affection: she shares dreams, projects and ideals of good with him. The game that the two children love to play together, "soup for the poor", will become reality in their future mission.
Caterina remained in Fraciscio until the age of 27, then followed Don Luigi to the Parish of Savogno (Sondrio) from 1868 to 1875. She supported him in his tireless ministry: she taught in primary school, took care of catechesis, and assisted the elderly and the infirm. . Catherine, considered by parishioners to be an "angel of good example", enjoys a "high reputation for virtue"; she supports Don Luigi even in difficulties and misunderstandings, with prayer and sacrifice.


by Enrico Ghezzi

The occasion of the canonization of Don Luigi Guanella pleasantly pushes us to ask ourselves: what is 'holiness'? A simple and immediate answer, which we can also explain to our children, can be: 'holy' are those who 'follow' Jesus, because they have 'listened' to his word. In fact, the communities of the first Christians, according to the usage of St. Paul, were called saints: «To all who are in Rome, loved by God and saints by calling» (Rom 1,7; Acts 9,13-15; 1Cor 1,2; Eph 1,1). Here, in the NT as already in the Old Testament with the call of Abraham in whom all nations are 'blessed', holiness is preceded by the 'call' to follow Jesus: the first Christians were thus indicated because, through 'baptism' , which is the call to faith, Christians had been 'enlightened and sanctified by the Holy Spirit'.

Thursday, July 16 2011 14: 44

Don Luigi Guanella and work

by Cesare Perego

The theme of work, in particular agricultural work, was always present in the heart and mind of Don Luigi Guanella. Originally from a mountain village in Valtellina (Fraciscio, 1350 meters above sea level), he knew from an early age the value of work within the family and its importance for social growth. He experienced the hardships and risks of manual labor; he was able to see the anguish of those without a job who were forced to leave the country to emigrate to distant lands.
His first biographer, d. Leonardo Mazzucchi, thus describes Don Guanella's relationship with work: "the feverish and tireless activity was the main character of Don Guanella's penitent and mortified life, in conformity with his education, his physical and moral qualities, the needs of the times ; and we have already illustrated how he made it a life program for his spiritual Sons and Daughters: work, work, work until they go to rest in the evening tired and beaten, victims of holy industriousness on the altar of Christian charity every time that Don Luigi remembered his life as an adolescent, when he spent his holidays working with his parents and did not allow himself any leisure that was not suggested by some virtuous aim of doing the good of others, he added with simplicity: «It was Providence that gave me parents of virtues, which would instill in me a spirit of work and sacrifice".... All those who knew Don Guanella saw how he never rested for an instant, neither as a cleric, nor as a young priest, nor as a tired old man: continuous, uninterrupted work , exhausting, intellectual, moral, corporal, of mind, of heart, of pen, of motion".

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