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Apostolate of prayer

Apostolate of prayer (84)

Saturday, 30 May 2020 11:55

Prayer intentions - June 2020

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Intention for evangelization

The path of the heart We pray that those who suffer find paths to life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.

Monday, May 04 2020 13: 47

Prayer intentions - May 2020

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Intention  for evangelization

For deacons

We pray that deacons, faithful in the service of the Word and of the poor, will be a life-giving sign for the whole Church.

Thursday, April 09 2020 12: 43

Prayer intentions - April 2020

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Intention  for universal prayer 

Liberation from addictions

We pray that all people under the influence of addictions will be well helped and accompanied.

Saturday, 29 February 2020 15pm

Prayer intentions - March 2020

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Intention for evangelization

Catholics in China We pray that the Church in China perseveres in fidelity to the Gospel and grows in unity.

Intention of the bishops

For the time of Lent to be a school of conversion to grow in the essential dimensions of the new life received in Baptism.


«A Father's Prayer»

How difficult is the prayer of the fathers! it is rare, poor... For fathers, a glance upwards, a held sigh, an accentuated wrinkle is often enough. But fathers also pray, ask, wait, and the prayer is above all for others: for their children, first of all, for the loved ones at home, for their woman who is not just a mother.
To be the first to say what a father asks, Lord, I stand next to Giuseppe and take the measurements. I too, father, would like to learn to recognize the faint traces of angels; to believe the Word brought by the announcement; to hold it tight, just to obey.
Lord, even fathers know desolation, like Joseph, when he thought of sending Mary back and endured it, because he trusted her and you visited his sleep to bring him comfort.
Give me the faith of Joseph, Lord, and visit even my troubled sleep. It also brings me the courage not to fear life, but to welcome everything that comes from you.
Saint Joseph, stay close to me. And, with you, the Virgin Mother. Amen.

Prayer to enhance daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you through the immaculate heart of Mary,
mother of the Church,
in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings of this day,
in reparation for sins, for the salvation of all men,
in the grace of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.
In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

Monday, February 03, 2020 13:22 am

Prayer intentions - February 2020

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Intention for universal prayer

Listening to the cries of migrants

Let us pray that the cry of our migrant brothers, who have fallen into the hands of unscrupulous traffickers, is heard and considered.

Intention of  Bishops

So that the gift of life, in every phase, is welcomed, protected and served with joyful amazement and holy respect.


«Prayer from prison»

Crucified Lord, look at us, we are those like you. Condemned. On the gallows and behind the bars of shame. Even awaiting execution, by poison, by rope around the neck, by firing squad or electric chair. This is enough for you: like you, nailed to the cross. Unlike you, we are more often guilty, even if there is no shortage of innocent people among us. Friend, if you knew the immense mystery of detention, where I am! If I saw and heard what I see within these dark walls. And I think bitterly of my loved ones, who unjustly suffer because of me. «I know the devil that was inside me, I was linked to Evil, my life was one of violence. But since I met the Lord, nothing has managed to make me commit an act of violence: in these 14 years on death row, Jesus, with his forgiveness, has entered my heart! If you decide that you must kill me, do so based only on the brutality of my crime, but please do not base me on me as a future risk to society, because I have changed now... I love you all, I hope my death brings you peace , once again I ask forgiveness from the families I have affected, now I go to meet Jesus, I wait for you all in Heaven, He has already prepared a place for me."



To enhance

daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus,

I offer you through my heart

immaculate of Mary,

mother of the Church,

in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice,

prayers and actions,

the joys and sufferings of this day,

in reparation for sins,

for the salvation of all men,

in the grace of the Holy Spirit,

to the glory of the divine Father.

In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

Thursday, 02 January 2020 13pm

Prayer intention - January 2020

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Intention  for Evangelization

We pray that Christians, those who follow other religions and people of good will will promote peace and justice in the world.

Intention of  Bishops

Because we can welcome the new calendar year as an opportunity to bear witness to our faith in every environment and life situation.


Prayer for children without family

«Hello Jesus! Here we are in front of you, no one is missing. We are children without families. In the sense that ours is unknown to us, absent, broken, due to drama or desperation, due to loneliness or abandonment. We witness pain and loss, but also the miracle that can always happen when someone a man and a womanhe gathers us to hold us close to his chest, like fragrant bread that has just come out of the oven. Without saying: "Who is this?". We are without family and difficulty is our daily grace; for some it is also the surprise of a couple who bends over our fragility to make us experience what is good and true in their life, without asking for anything in return, as a pure gesture of love that brings nothing except emotion to learn to call ourselves children.

We are Christmas every day and whoever bends over this manger in Bethlehem gets up with a different look, capable of welcoming the destiny of another."

Prayer to enhance daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus,

I offer you through my heart

immaculate of Mary,

mother of the Church,

in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice,

prayers and actions,

the joys and sufferings of this day,

in reparation for sins,

for the salvation of all men,

in the grace of the Holy Spirit,

to the glory of the divine Father.

In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

Monday, December 02, 2019 16:41 am

Prayer intentions - December 2019

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Universal Intention 

For each country to decide to take the necessary measures to make the future of the youngest a priority, especially those who are suffering. .

INTENTION of  Bishops

So that the wait for Christ, Sun of justice, and the encounter with Him are experienced in an atmosphere of joyful gratuitousness.


Heart of Jesus, which began to beat in the poverty of a cave, animate and reanimate the hearts of your priests, so that they do not allow themselves to be discouraged by fragility and difficulties.


Prayer for children without family

«Hello Jesus! Here we are in front of you, no one is missing. We are children without families. In the sense that ours is unknown to us, absent, broken, due to drama or desperation, due to loneliness or abandonment. We are witnesses of pain and loss, but also of the miracle that can always happen when someone - a man and a woman - gathers us to hold us close to their chest, like fragrant bread that has just come out of the oven. Without saying: "Who is this?". We are without family and difficulty is our daily grace; for some it is also the surprise of a couple who bends over our fragility to make us experience what is good and true in their life, without asking for anything in return, as a pure gesture of love that brings nothing except emotion to learn to call ourselves children.

Whoever welcomes us learns another thing: reality changes its contours, everything takes on new value: it is you, Jesus, who manifests yourself in their eyes. Yes, because we are your presence.

We are Christmas every day and whoever bends over this manger in Bethlehem gets up with a different look, capable of welcoming the destiny of another."

Prayer to enhance daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you through the immaculate heart of Mary, your mother and that of the Church,
in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice, the prayers and actions, the joys and sufferings of this day,
in reparation for sins, for the salvation of all men,
in the grace of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the divine Father.
In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

Monday, November 04, 2019 13:45 pm

Prayer intentions - November 2019

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Intention  UNIVERSAL

Because in the Near East, in which different religious components share the same space of life, a spirit of dialogue, encounter and reconciliation is born.

INTENTION of  Bishops

So that the memory of the deceased opens us to the good life of the Gospel, making us active on earth in the pilgrimage towards heaven.


Heart of Jesus, who are the Conqueror of  death, welcome the soul of all Your deceased ministers, with the fullness of Your Mercy.


Prayer for our deceased "So that no deceased in this time is forgotten and everyone can feel the relief and comfort of the unanimous prayer of the people of God". O God of goodness, we pray for all the people who are going through a moment of mourning and suffering due to the passing of loved ones. We also pray to you for the orphans: may the lack of their loved ones be made up for by your paternal benevolence and through the charity and closeness of the Christian community, so that they feel comforted and animated by a hope that does not disappoint.

Prayer to enhance daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you through the immaculate heart of Mary,
mother of the Church, in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice,
the prayers and actions, the joys and sufferings of this day,
in reparation for sins, for the salvation of all men,
in the grace of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the divine Father.
In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

Thursday, October 03 2019 11: 51

Prayer intentions - October 2019

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For evangelization

So that the breath of the Holy Spirit inspires a new missionary spring in the Church.

Intention of the bishops

So that the catechetical journey and the missionary commitment lead to the knowledge of the mystery of Christ, revealed to the little ones, the simple and the distant.

Pro Clergy 

Heart of Jesus, Missionary of Love, support all Your ministers, so that they can be missionaries in every part of the world of meaning and hope.

Prayer to enhance daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you through the immaculate heart of Mary,
your mother and that of the Church,
in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings of this day,
in reparation for sins,
for the salvation of all men,
in the grace of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.
In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

Thursday, October 03 2019 11: 51

Prayer intentions - October 2019

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For evangelization

So that the breath of the Holy Spirit inspires a new missionary spring in the Church.

Intention of the bishops

So that the catechetical journey and the missionary commitment lead to the knowledge of the mystery of Christ, revealed to the little ones, the simple and the distant.

Pro Clergy 

Heart of Jesus, Missionary of Love, support all Your ministers, so that they can be missionaries in every part of the world of meaning and hope.

Prayer to enhance daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you through the immaculate heart of Mary,
your mother and that of the Church,
in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings of this day,
in reparation for sins,
for the salvation of all men,
in the grace of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.
In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

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