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Apostolate of prayer

Apostolate of prayer (41)

Thursday, 07 November 2013 14:25

Prayer intention for November 2013


Priests who experience difficulties are comforted in their suffering, supported in their doubts and confirmed in their faithfulness.


The Churches of Latin America, as a fruit of the continental mission, send missionaries to other Churches.


Faith in eternal life makes us free from attachment to money and more capable of gestures of solidarity and sharing.



«For our deceased» «So that no deceased in this time is forgotten and everyone can feel relief and the comfort of the unanimous prayer of the people of God». O God of goodness, we pray for all the people who are going through a moment of mourning and suffering due to the passing of loved ones. We also pray to you for the orphans: may the lack of their loved ones be made up for by your paternal benevolence and through the charity and closeness of the Christian community, so that they feel comforted and animated by a hope that does not disappoint.

Thursday, 05 September 2013 12 pm

September prayer intention

General Intention

«Young people who are unable to enter the world of work should not be discouraged and can achieve their rightful aspirations»

Missionary intention

«May Christians who suffer persecution in numerous regions of the world be, with their testimony, prophets of the love of Christ»

Intention of the Bishops

«Let the men of our time rediscover the value of silence and know how to listen to the voice of God and their brothers»


Intention of the Pious Union:

«For the end of wars»

Compared to "old" situations of armed conflict, which degenerated into real wars, there is the presence of 3 new conflicts started during 2011, which can be classified as part of the "Arab Spring", and located in the Maghreb and Middle Eastern regions : these are the wars in Yemen, Libya and Syria. In 2011, 20 wars were detected by the Conflict Barometer (University of Heidelberg), referring to 14 countries. This is actually the tip of the iceberg, as, in the same year, a total of 388 situations of war and armed conflict were recorded. The most lethal situations are equal to 38 (“war and limited war”). Another 148 conflicts were classified under the terms of "violent crisis". The remaining 202 conflicts developed without violent means (87 “non-violent crises” and 115 “disputes”). 
God of peace, bring Your peace to our violent world: peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the Nations of the Earth.

Friday, 09 August 2013 13:36

Intention of the month of August 2013


General Intention

«Parents and educators help the new generations to grow with an upright conscience and a coherent life»

Missionary intention

«The particular Churches of the African continent, faithful to the evangelical message, promote the building of peace and justice»

Intention of the Bishops

«Those who are in search of God should recognize the signs of his goodness and, stimulated by the testimony of believers, open their hearts to the gift of faith»


Intention of the Pious Union:

«For the mother of a priest»

God of eternal love, I thank you for making me the mother of a priest. Like Mary, the mother of your Son Jesus, I sing my hymn of thanksgiving to your paternal mercy for having placed your gaze of love on our family, calling our son to continue the same mission of Jesus in history: minister of mercy, herald of hope and ring of communion between You, O eternal Father, and the faithful.
Alongside the gratitude of every mother for the gift of life, I will not hide from you the concern for the mission of my son called to live his priestly ministry in a time of profound and rapid changes.
Let him keep a strong desire for holiness in his soul to be able to radiate it.
May he, in imitation of Jesus, be a good Samaritan for those wounded in life.
Let his heart be open to all, a path that everyone can travel and on which everyone will be able to encounter the very face of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 12:59 am

Intention of the month of June


General Intention

«May a culture of dialogue, listening and mutual respect prevail among peoples»

Missionary intention

«Where the influence of secularization is strongest, Christian communities must know how to effectively promote a new evangelization»

Intention of the Bishops

«The new generations, educated in the correct use of freedom, will be able to make responsible choices and establish constructive relationships with everyone»



Intention of the Pious Union:

«For the confirmed kids»

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the children who in this season have received or will receive the sacrament of confirmation. Light the fire of your love in them. Today the Church needs a perennial outpouring of the Spirit, a daily Pentecost. May the light of your love come like a strong wind in the sails of our life. These young confirmed people need, like all of us, fire in their hearts, courageous words on their lips, generous prophecy in their gaze so that they can see far into the future. We all need to feel caressed by a warm wave of the Spirit and thus become generous workers on the construction site of the world and builders of your Kingdom of love, justice, holiness and peace.

Tuesday, May 07 2013 14: 01

Prayer intention - May 2013

Intention of the Bishops

«So that young people who are preparing for marriage - through the intercession of the Mother of God - form families that are united, stable and open to life, well integrated into the Church and society»I

Missionary intention

«Seminaries, especially of mission Churches, train pastors according to the Heart of Christ, entirely dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel»

General Intention

«Whoever administers justice must always operate with integrity and an honest conscience»

Intention of the Pious Union: Prayer from prison

«Jesus, we are condemned like you»

Crucified Lord, look at us, we are those like you. Condemned. On the gallows and behind the bars of shame. Even awaiting execution, by poison, by rope around the neck, by firing squad or electric chair. This is enough for you: like You, nailed to the cross. Unlike you, we are more often guilty, even if there is no shortage of innocent people among us. Friend, if you knew the immense mystery of detention, where I am! If I saw and heard what I see within these dark walls. And I think bitterly of my loved ones. Who unjustly suffer because of me.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012 15:09 pm

Prayer intention - December 2012


Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Maria,
Mother of the Church,
in union with the Sacrifice
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
in reparation for sins, for salvation
of all men,
in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:11

Prayer intention - November - 2012

Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Maria,
Mother of the Church,
in union with the Sacrifice
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
in reparation for sins, for salvation
of all men,
in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


General Intention

«So that Bishops, priests and all ministers of the Gospel give courageous testimony of fidelity to the crucified and risen Lord»

Missionary intention

«So that the pilgrim Church on earth may shine as the light of the nations»

Intention of the Bishops

«Let the world listen to the message of the Gospel, which goes beyond the earthly horizon and leads to eternal life»



Intention of the Pious Union


«For our deceased»

«So that no deceased in this time is forgotten and everyone can feel relief and the comfort of the unanimous prayer of the people of God».

O God of goodness, we pray for all the people who are going through a moment of mourning and suffering due to the passing of loved ones.
We also pray to you for the orphans: may the lack of their loved ones be made up for by your paternal benevolence and through the charity and closeness of the Christian community, so that they feel comforted and animated by a hope that does not disappoint.

Thursday, 06 September 2012 10 pm

Prayer intention - September - 2012


Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Maria,
Mother of the Church,
in union with the Sacrifice
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
in reparation for sins, for salvation
of all men,
in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


General Intention

«For politicians to always act with honesty, integrity and love for the truth»

Missionary intention

«So that the willingness to donate missionaries, priests and lay people, and concrete resources in favor of the poorest Churches, increases in Christian communities»

Intention of the Bishops

«The action of lay aggregations, groups and movements is evangelical ferment and incisive prophecy in the Church and in the civil community»


Intention of the Pious Union

«For priestly and religious vocations»

«So that Jesus may inspire in the hearts of young people the desire to be witnesses of the power of his love in today's world. Filled with the Spirit, they are capable of discovering the full truth of themselves and their vocation"

«To respond to the expectations of modern society, to cooperate in the vast evangelizing action that involves all Christians, there is a need for prepared and courageous priests who, without ambitions and fears, but convinced of the evangelical Truth, are concerned first and foremost with announcing Christ and , in his name, be ready to bend over human suffering, making everyone experience the comfort of God's love and the warmth of the ecclesial family, especially the poor and those in difficulty."
(Benedict XVI)

Thursday, July 12 2012 09: 00

Prayer intention - July - August 2012


Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Maria,
Mother of the Church,
in union with the Sacrifice
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
in reparation for sins, for salvation
of all men,
in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.


General Intention
«So that everyone can have a job and do it in stable and safe conditions»

Missionary intention
«So that Christian volunteers, present in mission territories, know how to bear witness to the charity of Christ»

Intention of the Bishops
«Those who have public responsibilities should carry out their service by committing themselves to the pursuit of the common good»


General Intention
«So that prisoners are treated justly and their human dignity is respected»

Missionary intention
«So that young people, called to follow Christ, become available to proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel to the ends of the earth»

Intention of the Bishops
«The action of lay aggregations, groups and movements is evangelical ferment and incisive prophecy in the Church and in the civil community»


Intention of the Pious Union
«Prayer for the summer and holiday period»

Lord, while I thank you for the summer rest, I remember those who do not have it and would like it; but also of those who have a lot of it and don't know what to do with it. Sir, have you ever had holidays?
Put that way, I think not. You filled your "important" time with silence and conversations with the Father, but also with visits to friends, meetings with families, trips to each village. The time of rest is sacred, because it heals, teaches, prepares, makes wise, refines.
Lord, give silence and peace to my time of rest.
Dona finally meets without haste with the brothers I cross paths with. Push me to places where visits are rare and hasty: hospitals, hospices, houses crossed by pain. I will come out of this more at peace, and I already know why.
Lord, rest in prayer is not the emptiness of everything, but the fullness of You. it is a time for celebration, praise and gratitude. it is the eighth instant, like the one that followed the creation of everything. It is not absence, but presence. Of the world and creatures. Of myself, of the other, of You. So be it.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Prayer intention - June 2012

Offer prayer

Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Maria,
Mother of the Church,
in union with the Sacrifice
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
in reparation for sins, for salvation
of all men,
in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.



General Intention

«So that believers can recognize in the Eucharist the living presence of the Risen One, who accompanies them in daily life»

Missionary intention

«So that Christians in Europe may rediscover their own identity and participate with greater enthusiasm in the proclamation of the Gospel»

Intention of the Bishops

«The need to respect and welcome the little ones, the poor, the defenseless is a reason for convergent commitment on the part of the Church and civil society»


Intention of the Pious Union


«For the confirmed kids»

Come Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of the children who have received or will receive the sacrament of confirmation this season. Light the fire of your love in them. Today the Church needs a perennial outpouring of the Spirit, a daily Pentecost. May the light of your love come like a strong wind in the sails of our life. These young confirmed people need, like all of us, fire in their hearts, courageous words on their lips, generous prophecy in their gaze so that they can see far into the future. We all need to feel caressed by a warm wave of the Spirit and thus become generous workers on the construction site of the world and builders of your Kingdom of love, justice, holiness and peace.

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