Offer prayer
Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Maria,
Mother of the Church,
in union with the Sacrifice
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
in reparation for sins, for salvation
of all men,
in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.
General Intention
«So that authentic economic development is promoted, respectful of the dignity of all men and all peoples»
Missionary intention
«So that Christians of different confessions can walk towards the unity desired by Christ»
Intention of the Bishops
«For the Church and society to invest in the family, as a heritage and an effective response to the current crisis»
Intention of the Pious Union
«For unwanted children and mothers in difficulty due to pregnancy»
Lord, I need to pray to you. Lord, I am a child, not yet born and already crucified. Like you, not wanted, not believed, not loved by men. You fled away from the ferocity of a king who feared you as a rival and did not hesitate to stop the lives of all the children among whom you could hide, by slaughtering them. Mary's arms and Joseph's strong shoulders carried you to safety. Since then, those little innocents have been close to you, from the day of your birth, even on the calendar. Yet, I am there. And please, I speak to You and I speak to each and every one. And I pray to you for each and every one. I don't judge mom: she is left alone. I don't judge the dad: he is afraid of life. I don't judge anyone: they have lost track of you and, believing they are chasing the best, they go around the nothingness of everything.