by Angelo Sceppacerca
Sometimes saints pass by us and we don't notice. Yet the joy of being loved by God cannot be hidden. It is the discovery of the golden thread that binds all the facts of existence, it is the piece that completes the mosaic of humanity in which every man is inserted. It is true joy. It can be read on the face, in the eyes, in the gestures. It takes root in the depths of the human being and releases buried energies that can no longer help but act. Joy that infects and frees and helps to understand the facts of life. It is the story and the experience of many when they have a strong, life-changing encounter. It can be an encounter with a witness, but also with a fact of life, an illness, the death of a loved one, an engaging and profound spiritual experience.
The testimony of one's life is a real contagion, it also applies to non-Christians. Gandhi said of himself: I am an incorrigible optimist.
My optimism is based on my belief that every individual has infinite possibilities to develop nonviolence. The more the individual develops it, the more it will spread like a contagion that will little by little contaminate the whole world. Among the saints capable of attracting crowds, Padre Pio. He attracted people on the path to holiness with his own testimony, indicating with his example the track that leads to it: prayer and charity.
Holiness as a beneficial contagion, common to all saints, yesterday and today, and speaking of "contagious" holiness means that the good we do must make others want to do it. If holiness is the distinctive trait of the people of God, how can it be proposed today? In this year of the canonization of Saint Luigi Guanella, it is not simply a matter of remembering - perhaps to get to know him better - a great figure of a saint, nor just of relying on his intercession for our needs and those of the Church.
We want more: to do a little like him, to be like him, to be infected, impressed, convinced. Don Guanella did the will of God, he lived charity, in simple and heroic gestures, consuming himself with love. This testimony was and remains contagious. Such contagion is perhaps the most fascinating and fruitful nucleus of the evangelical testimony: "You are the light of the world, the salt of the earth...". And this applies not only to individuals but also to Christian families, precisely as families called to sanctify themselves together and mutually.
All holiness is contagious. The effects of a saint's experience continue after his death. Whoever learns about his events feels pushed to live the gospel more radically, to choose God as everything.
It is also true today, even in prisons, where not only AIDS, but also sanctity becomes contagious. I found the testimony of some very young prisoners in Turin's Vallette prison, suffering from AIDS and close to death, followed by the parish community of Santa Maria Goretti in Turin, who welcomed the word of the Gospel. This is what emerges from some passages of their letters.
“(...) Life is leaving me. I can't take it anymore, the pain is so great, but nevertheless I'm not afraid. Do you remember that you told me that God forgave me for the wrong I did? Now with a heart full of love I go towards him who is waiting for me. (...) I close my eyes happily. C. told us that the Lord is my shepherd, I will lack nothing in his pastures. That lost sheep has found his pasture” (Carola).
Carola's testimony wins over six other companions. Some of them write: “we have made mistakes throughout our lives and now we pay for our wrongdoings. (...) We received the Bible that Carola left us; we read a piece of it every evening. We also read that Saint Francis called death "sister", now we call it that too. Nobody comes to visit us because we are sick, but you do, and we are happy and love you so much."
Samantha would have liked to let all young people know not to do the stupid things she had done, because drugs lead to death and getting out of it is very difficult. At 19, Samantha concludes her earthly journey and before dying she leaves a letter: “I'm writing now because then I don't know if I'll make it, because I'm losing my sight. I don't care too much, because now I have the love of God in my heart (...). I ask you to help me and you have given me good, love, everything and also the reading of the Gospel which was very beautiful. Too bad I won't be around to finish it anymore. Now I'm leaving, but I'm not afraid because there is someone inside me who follows me at every step, it's Jesus. In the evening I pray to him and tell him: «Dear Jesus, I'm ready, come and get me, I'm waiting for you . Take me by the hand and I will follow you with joy" (...). Don't cry for me because I am happy and I will follow you from above. A big kiss to the whole community...".
Miki too: “I'm a creature of God too. With everything I have done, I feel that he loves me and is close to me. I saw Samantha die so happy and peaceful that she made me understand that good things are still there." Saint Catherine of Siena comes to mind when she visited and instilled divine mercy on those condemned to death. She accompanied them until the moment they were beheaded. And behold, after the macabre execution, she saw their souls ascending to heaven. (from Città Nuova, 1/2003).
During the great Jubilee of 2000 I heard a bishop speak from the heart to the hearts of thousands of young people and tell them: Go among your companions, and shout it with courage: "Do not put your life in the garage" (cf. Raoul Follereau) . Announce to them not a distant God, known only "by hearsay", but the Word of life, who became flesh. He and he alone has the power to make us children of God and whole men. Anyone who wants can meet him: even today. Where? In the ecclesial community, of which you, in a special capacity, are the friendly face and fraternal smile. Echo the missionary style, ancient and ever new, of the apostle John, who proclaimed, with captivating conviction: «What was from the beginning, the Word of life... what we have seen and heard, we also proclaim to you, so that you too may be in communion with us." Be athletes of the spirit. Saints, don't improvise. Even the muscles of the soul, like those of the body, need a gym: and not occasional training, but continuous exercise, made up of listening to the Word, of the sacraments lived with responsible faith and regular attendance (especially confession and the Eucharist), of deep and daily prayer, of interior life cared for even with the help of an expert guide, of love for the cross embraced with joy, of much practice in mutual charity. Do you want a summary address where you can find every opportunity for spiritual growth in abundance? Here it is: join Mary's school. She, model of believers, will teach you the art of loving God and brothers. And she will be at your side, always, with the affection and concern of a caring mother, to the point of making you holy and immaculate in charity.