In the "Giornale dell'anima" Blessed John XXIII recalls the day of his ordination with these words. «I visited the churches I was most fond of, the altars of the saints most familiar to me, the images of the Virgin Mary. They were very short visits, but it seemed to me that evening that I had something to say to each of them and that they had something to say to me, and, in fact, it was so."
All those who will be present in Rome or will watch through television or ideally participate in the glorification of Don Guanella in St. Peter's Square on 23 October 2011, will certainly have had the experience of having been on their knees in front of an image of Don Guanella, of to have asked for something and to have felt something good being born in their soul.
The event of the canonization will be a privileged circumstance of the Spirit to echo positive feelings and operational intentions and thus continue in our history the experience of charity which constitutes the luminous halo for Don Guanella.
On the day of canonization, Don Guanella will ideally be entrusted with the title of "Itinerant Master of Love of Neighbor". His teaching will begin immediately. He will do it through the magnetic waves of the means of social communication, his message of brotherhood will flow like regenerating water into the souls of many people and the most sensitive souls will hear a bewitching song of nostalgia and a desire for good resound.
The example of his life, in imitation of Christ, still for us today becomes "broken bread" for the life of the poor: poor in bread, hope, affection, health, intelligence, roles in social life .