Offer prayer
Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you by means
of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Mother
of the Church, in union
to the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings
of this day:
under repair
of sins,
for the salvation of all
men, in grace
of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.
Pope's intention
The Eastern Churches
Catholics are known
and esteemed in theirs
spiritual wealth
Missionary intention
The African continent
find in Christ the strength to
walk in reconciliation
and in justice
Intention of the Bishops
The Spirit of the Risen One
help us celebrate
memory in faith
of the deceased brothers
Intention of the Pious Union
If you love me don't cry
"The Sir
welcome into the light
of his Kingdom
all the deceased,
especially those
more needy
of mercy"
«Don't cry, if you love me! If you knew the gift of God that is in heaven! If you could hear the song of the angels and see me among them! If you could see with your own eyes the horizons, the endless fields and the new paths I traverse! If you could contemplate for an instant, like me, the beauty before which all other beauties would disappear!
Believe me, when death comes to break your chains, as it broke those that chained me, and when on a day that God has fixed and knows, your soul ascends to this heaven where mine preceded it, on that day you will return to see the one who loved you and always loves you and you will meet his heart with all its tenderness. You will return to see me, but transfigured and happy, not waiting for death, but advancing with you on the new paths of light and life, drunkenly drinking at the feet of God a nectar, of which no one will ever be satisfied. Dry your tears and don't cry, if you love me!" (St. Augustine) ■