Listen, now!
It is with a feeling of gratitude to God that he gives me the opportunity to tune in to the waves of Radio Mater and meet so many people with my voice and affection.
So a cordial welcome to the listeners of Radio Mater who this evening wish to spend some time in the company of Saint Joseph, invoke him for their needs and learn from him to hear the voice of God who calls us to live in fullness our Christian life, corresponding to the personal calls that everyone feels in their life.
Thank you for your willingness to listen to me and let me share and participate in the joys and worries of your life.
I want to greet, in particular, the sick and children, these uncultivated lands still pulsating with vitality and with a great desire to learn important things so that they can live their lives to the full.
For this reason I wish to pray to their guardian angels to keep them in physical and spiritual well-being.
An attention, a kiss, full of affection and participation, goes on the foreheads of sick children admitted to hospitals.
May they all return to their homes soon and be a source of consolation to their parents.
We are in the novena of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and we are on the eve of the opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy
It has been proposed to all the local Churches to convene the families, on the day of the Liturgical Feast of the Holy Family, at one of the Jubilee churches where there is a holy door, to celebrate the love of God with them.
“Mercy – said Mons. Paglia – is what prevents the doors of churches and homes from remaining closed. Families need to cross a holy door, opened by the love of God, to learn to open the door of their homes, thus abandoning the temptation of self-referentiality and building a more just and supportive world, as Pope Francis is recalling in the catecheses of these weeks."
Pope Francis will preside over the Holy Mass in Rome at 10 am in St. Peter's Basilica with Roman families and pilgrims present.
In his recent trip to Kenya, Pope Francis said that «The health of any society always depends on the health of families. For their good and that of the community, faith in the Word of God calls us to support families in their mission within society, to welcome children as a blessing for our world and to defend the dignity of every man and every person. woman, since we are all brothers and sisters in the one human family.
In obedience to God's Word, we are also called to resist practices that foster arrogance in men, harm or despise women, fail to care for the elderly, and threaten the lives of the innocent unborn. We are called to respect and encourage each other and to reach out to all who are in need. Christian families have this special mission: to radiate the love of God and pour out the life-giving water of his Spirit. This is particularly important today, because we are witnessing the advance of new deserts, created by a culture of selfishness and indifference towards others."
We wish to experience these moments as a vigil of prayers next to the fire of the Holy Spirit who lit the divine spark of life, Jesus, in Mary's womb.
Let us then invoke the Holy Spirit with the words of a hymn from the liturgy. These words are like waves of light and heat that caress our life and tone it to be free to obey the voice of the Spirit and say like Mary: "here I am, your will be done".