We are on the eve of the great events of Christian life: alongside the abyss of violence of men who do not recognize Jesus as the messiah and condemn him, there is also the betrayal of the apostles, the solitude of Jesus in Gethsemane, but inside the dark tunnel of abandonment is triggered by the singular and unique event of the resurrection of Jesus which finally breaks the chains of slavery to evil and opens the glimmer of light of eternity.
Then I would like and for this reason I pray that my words this evening are an echo of eternity that echoes in our souls.
We will walk together with Saint Joseph who from heaven is our eternal companion and inseparable friend.
Greetings to all the listeners tuned into the waves of Radio Mater. A special caress to the children and to all the people listening, especially those visited by the discomfort of the disease.
We will try to imbue our suffering with a sense of love.
This evening I would like to begin our dialogue with a tribute to grandparents by recounting this dialogue between a grandfather and a grandson.