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Today we begin the month of June which will have at its center the solemnity of the birth of the Church, Pentecost and will bring us to the very end of the month, 30 June, on the eve of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the hearth of divine charity which attracts as a calamity the positive qualities of our Christian existence.
I am pleased that the great itinerary in preparation for the 7th international meeting of families in 2012, the first stage of the route will stop in Nazareth, because «The mystery of Nazareth is the set of all the bonds that pass through the fabric of family relationships : the family with spouses, parents and children, educational relationships, religiosity, dreams of tomorrow and today's problems.
Ideally, like every month, this evening we want to be before you, precisely in your home in Nazareth, this palette of colors of human and Christian virtues, to admire the beauty of your relationships with Mary, your bride, and with Jesus, that child that God from eternity had thought of entrusting to your robust and generous arms, but above all entrusting him to your father's heart, mirror of human virtues in order to teach this God who becomes a child to learn to live our human condition: the joy of living and the hard work of living. In life as in day there is the darkness of the night and the fascinatingly joyful splendor of daylight.
Our eyes in this stop in Nazareth are curious, eager for light to grasp in your feelings, yours, those of Mary and Jesus, those seeds of hope to make our family life leaven with the same sap that fueled yours existence.


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