In the frame of the Josephan year
«Under his cloak»
Relic of the Mantle of Saint Joseph in the Basilica del Trionfale from 16 to 19 March
The city of Rome reserves surprises. It was great for us to learn that the relic of St. Joseph's mantle is preserved in the Church of Sant'Anastasia al Palatino, together with a corner of the veil of the Virgin Mary.
Perhaps not a few of the readers of these lines will show a perplexed face in this regard. So let's transcribe some news and then let everyone make their own judgement.
The church of Santa Anastasia al Palatino (Circus Maximus area) is one of the oldest churches in Rome. It was built in the Constantinian era on the Lupercale area, the cave in which the famous she-wolf supposedly nursed Romulus and Remus. It was among the most important Roman churches at the time of Pope Damasus I (305-384) and was assigned to the Pope's famous secretary, Saint Jerome the doctor (347-420). The transport of these relics from Palestine is attributed to him, after his first journey to the East from which he returned to Rome in 382. The relic, kept for centuries in the church, at the time of Pope Urban VIII (1569-1644), was placed in a precious reliquary when the church was renovated.
It is not customary for it to be exposed to the veneration of the faithful, much less for it to be granted to other churches. For this reason we are particularly grateful to the Cardinal Vicar of His Holiness, Angelo De Donatis, for having given us the joy and honor of this exhibition in our Basilica from March 16th to 19th.
Relics are not a talisman. They are an "icon", a call to prayer, which humbly turns to the Lord through the intercession of Saint Joseph. We are sure that the faithful visiting the Basilica close to the feast of our Patron Saint will look at the Mantle of Saint Joseph with true devotion.