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The process of beatification of the Guanellian Giovanni Vaccari has begun

by B. Capparoni

Last April 23, Bishop Don Manuel Herrero Fernandez of
Palencia opened the Process to recognize Christian virtues
heroics of the Guanellian Giovanni Vaccari, who died in Spain in 1971

IThe journey that took me to Spain during Easter week had a purpose certainly unknown to the travelers who made the same journey with me. Moreover, it is not easy to explain that a Process is being held in order to proclaim (hopefully in a not too distant time!) the sanctity of a Christian; trials usually have other conclusions! 

In Spain there was unusually winter weather and also a return of Covid got in the way in the Hogar San Luis Guanella house in Palencia, where we were supposed to stay. Yet all this did not ruin the great joy that accompanied us.

Saturday 23 April 2022 was the day set for the event. The writer met the members of the tribunal, the priests Don Ginés Ampudia Caballero as delegate judge and Don Antonio García Redondo as promoter of justice; also Mrs. Natalia Aguado León, chancellor of the Palencia Curia, who acts as a notary. Their availability, together with that of the bishop of Palencia mons. Manuel Herrero Fernandez, deserves to be highlighted for the gratitude of those who have the Cause of Brother Giovanni Vaccari at heart.

At 9.30 we celebrated a Holy Mass in the chapel of the Nazarenas nuns, in whose house many of us were guests. Twelve priests joined the Superior General of the Guanellians, Don Umberto Brugnoni; the assembly was made up of a large group of cooperators and friends of the Don Guanella Opera of Spain. The Servant of God's granddaughter, Daniela Vaccari, was present with her husband Giancarlo Dionisi, representing the large Vaccari family and Sanguinetto's hometown. 

At the end of the Mass we moved to the nearby bishop's palace of Palencia  and in the evocative setting of the chapel, under the image of Saint Teresa of Jesus (in Palencia the saint obtained a lot of devotion also because in 1580 she founded a Carmel which still exists today) we celebrated the beginning of the Process. Bishop Don Manuel presided over the recitation of the Sixth Hour and began the legal rite to begin the Process. Holding the pectoral cross in his hand, he swore to act with conscience and justice  the required obligations; after him also the delegate judge, the promoter of justice and the notary; finally the postulator took his oath and also presented a series of requested documents. The scene may have seemed cold due to all those courtroom rituals, but the atmosphere among those present was one of great emotion. At the end the bishop expressed his satisfaction and repeated his joy in starting Brother John's Cause; he even hoped to being able to complete it himself and this is a singular hope because Mgr. Last January, Herrero handed in his resignation to Pope for having reached the age limit. We hope that his wish comes true, because it would mean that first of all the Pope prolongs his episcopal service, but also that Brother John's cause proceeds quickly. 

After the Bishop, the Superior General of the Guanellians spoke, expressing the joy of the entire family of Don Guanella for a beginning that contains many promises and which arouses great expectations in everyone.

The writer wanted to go, together with Don Fabio Pallotta, superior of the European Delegation of the Guanellians which embraces the houses of Spain, to the place where the fatal accident occurred which put an end to the life of Brother Giovanni Vaccari. The place is near the town of Osorno, north of  Palentino capital. To orient ourselves in a location that took us back over fifty years we had an article in hand Palentine diary of October 1971, which reported the accident and indicated the precise location, km 56 and 500 of the National carriage. Once we arrived on site, we also recognized other characteristics of the place, as they had been described to us by the witnesses. We had a few moments of  meditation and prayer, thinking of brother Giovanni and the call that God addressed to him in that place, and we thought it would be a good thing to place a visible reminder on the side of the road, provided that it is permitted by the administrations involved. It is a purpose that we hope to realize soon.


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