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Pain of failure

“Walking with them”

When love fails, people should not be condemned but accompanied. Pope Francis recommended it in the mass celebrated at the end of February in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta.

The beauty and greatness of love can be recognized since the masterpiece of creation, narrated by Genesis, and chosen by God himself as an "icon" to explain the essence of love between man and woman. But also between Christ and the Church. "Jesus was always with the people." And among the people the Lord taught, listened and healed the sick. Sometimes, however, doctors of the law also showed up in the crowd and actually wanted to "test him", trying to somehow make him fall.
The Pharisees, precisely "to test him", pose "this problem about divorce" to Jesus. A question presented with their usual "style" based on "case studies". In fact, those who wanted to put Jesus in difficulty never posed "an open problem" to him. Instead, they preferred to resort to "case studies, always small cases", asking him: "Is it permissible for a husband to divorce his wife?". And Jesus responds first of all by asking them "what the law says and explaining why Moses made that law like this". However, the Lord does not stop at this first response and «from the case studies he goes to the center of the problem, he goes right to the days of creation», when «God made them male and female; for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. Thus they are no longer two, but one flesh."
Pope Francis reread this passage, "the beginning of love" and "very poetic": the meeting between Adam and Eve. God recommends that they move forward together "as one flesh". The Lord chose "this icon to explain the love he has for his people" even when the people are not faithful. Even the apostle Paul, when he needs to explain the mystery of Christ, does so in relation to his bride, to the Church, to his people."
«This – stated the Pope – is the story of love. This is the story of the masterpiece of creation. And in front of this path of love, this icon, the case studies collapses and becomes pain." Pain in the face of failure: "When leaving father and mother to unite with a woman, becoming one flesh and moving forward, when this love fails - because it often fails - we must feel the pain of failure." And precisely at that moment we must also "accompany those people who have had this failure in their love". We must not "condemn" but "walk with them". And "when one thinks about this", the Pope specified, he finds it natural to recognize "how beautiful love is, how beautiful marriage is, how beautiful the family is, how beautiful this path is". But also "how much love, and how much closeness, we too must have for the brothers and sisters who in their lives have had the misfortune of a failure in love".
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