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Loris Capovilla, secretary of John XXIII, died at the age of one hundred

by Gianni Gennari

Loris Capovilla returned to the House on May 26th, that House to which the world is called to draw closer with the announcement made by the evangelist John that «God loved him so much that he gave his only Son for his salvation» . He seemed immortal, and Don Loris smiled when someone pointed it out. He possessed a prodigious memory, an incredible vivacity, an energy of life, of hope, of closeness to everyone.

Beloved – I speak for myself – for more than 50 years, even in difficult moments of life. When in 1967 Paul VI wanted him archbishop of Chieti, he asked me to accompany him as secretary for a few weeks, waiting for Don Gianni Bianchi, a Venetian, to arrive at the end of the summer, who arrived, but would soon tragically disappear in a mountain tragedy on the Pass Gardena. That of Chieti, then, was not an easy assignment for "Don Loris", also due to the strong resistance among the clergy and above all among the high-ranking politicians in those parts, especially a famous trio from the then governing party: Gaspari, Natali , D'Antoni.

And in fact it didn't last long. First in Loreto, then in Sotto il Monte, until today. To friends, as always, a leaflet at the end of the year: documents, memories, prayers... Until 2009! By chance I find the last one, with the date “Die 24 Decembris MMIX”. Usual 8 sides. On the first, the pacifying image: “Benignitas et Humanitas” by Pope John, then a page on “Christ is a gift” and 4 on “Tantum Aurora est… On the last, with a surprising title: “MAKING FRIENDS WITH DEATH”. A long quote from 2007: he had given an interview to the Catalan weekly "El Ciervo", and had answered extensively to the question "How do you see his death".

Here are some passages, which already then speak of this mysterious "today" in which the dawn and the sunset give way to total Light: «The Angel of death has always been with me, and he is not a skeleton with a scythe in hand: it is a ray of light that pierces the darkness. My hour cannot be late. I think about it every day, sometimes with a hint of melancholy, and I prepare myself for judgment without presumption and without fear. I am not so foolish as to consider myself righteous. I know enough about the final balance sheet. I often repeat: “I have finished the race, I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith” 2 Tim. 4,7 (…) I have confidence in the fate of planet Earth. I continue to propose mitigating circumstances for humanity's sins, not out of inclination towards the reviled do-goodism, but out of a duty to justice tempered by mercy. As I leave my beloved hermitage and my loved ones, I am overwhelmed by the burning love of Saint Francis for all creatures: "I would like to lead you all to Paradise"; and confirms Pope John's belief in my faith.

“My earthly day ends, but Christ lives and his Church continues his work in time and space”». This is followed by this ending which speaks of today: «I clearly see the pause of a few hours of my frale on the floor of the chapel of Camaitino and the mass with only one celebrant, without any other frills, nor the sound of bells, the silent path towards the solatio and bare mountain cemetery; I see the coffin descending onto the bare ground and I hear the voices of the companions piously saying goodbye to me with their faces streaked with tears and a smile on their lips, aware that everything is beautiful and new in the splendor of the Risen One. Everything is grace. +Loris Francesco Capovilla, 24/XII/2009 AD". He saw: only one celebrant, no frills, no ringing of bells... It was 2009: "clarity" was not possible. Then many things, for him too, and the gift that "is Christ" gave him the signal, red with the color of blood, of the testimony until the end of a "servant" of the Gospel, in perpetual "going out" towards everyone, to start from the furthest away, and without offense to the neighbors, unless someone feeling close wants to pose as master of the Kingdom whose supreme law is "salvation" and the real core is that "You did it to me!" of Matthew 25. It's exactly like this: Goodbye! Dearest Don Loris!

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