The year dedicated to the family on the fifth anniversary of Amoris Laetitia was proclaimed by Pope Francis on 27 December 2020, to allow the fruits of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation to ripen and make the Church closer to families in the world, put to the test in this last year since the pandemic. This year will end on June 26, 2022, with the tenth World Meeting of Families. The reflections that will mature will be made available to ecclesial communities and families, to accompany them on their journey.
«The alliance of man and woman, which envelops history and the human condition – explains Pierangelo Sequeri, Dean of the Pontifical Institute John Paul II – hinges on the family, but goes beyond its family grammar: the Christian vocation is that to bring this alliance to the places of politics, economics, law, care and culture".
Pope Francis chose to comment on the Hymn to Charity and not the Song of Songs in Amoris Laetitia, because he wanted to focus the apostolic exhortation on concreteness.
Many marriages would have ended if there wasn't the charity that Saint Paul talks about, because many times marital indissolubility is seen more as an effort by the spouses, than the daily response to something greater than the spouses themselves.
As Vittorino Andreoli wisely writes «the family has become a topic of consumption and, instead, we need to enter the family, talk “with” the family, not “about” the family».
Andreoli, a well-known national psychiatrist, was asked: "Why must marriage last?" He replied: «Because marriage is a “sacred” bond. Marriage must also last "to respond to the tasks of raising children", to teach how to live in today's difficult and constantly changing world."