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So that human trafficking, a modern form of slavery, is eradicated.


So that, with a missionary spirit, the Christian communities of the Asian continent announce the Gospel to those who still await it.


So that mutual collaboration grows in the workplace and emerging problems are faced with a fraternal spirit.


«For priestly and religious vocations»

So that Jesus arouses in the hearts of young people the desire to be witnesses of the power of his love in today's world. Filled with the Spirit, they are capable of discovering the full truth of themselves and their vocation. «To respond to the expectations of modern society, to cooperate in the vast evangelizing action that involves all Christians, there is a need for prepared and courageous priests who, without ambitions and fears, but convinced of the evangelical Truth, are concerned first and foremost with announcing Christ and , in his name, be ready to bend over human suffering, making everyone experience the comfort of God's love and the warmth of the ecclesial family, especially the poor and those in difficulty." Let the hearts of the priests be open to all, a path that everyone can follow and on which everyone will be able to encounter the very face of Jesus. Let the generosity of the priests not know tiredness, but be like a fountain that quenches the thirst of those who are tired and offers words of hope in a world bereft of hope. Grant, O my God, that our priest, like all the priests in the world, does not tire of listening to the words of Jesus, and of grasping in the eyes of Jesus the tenderness of his love for him.


Prayer to enhance daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you through the immaculate heart of Mary, Mother of the Church, in union with the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the prayers and actions, the joys and sufferings of this day, in reparation for sins, for salvation of all men, in the grace of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the divine Father. In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

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