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Intention for evangelization

The path of the heart We pray that those who suffer find paths to life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.

Intention of the bishops

Because refreshed by the torrent of grace that flows from the Heart of Christ we can grow in communion with Him and with our brothers.


«Prayer for those to be confirmed»

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the children who in this season have received or will receive the sacrament of confirmation.
Light the fire of your love in them. Today the Church needs a perennial outpouring of the Spirit, a daily Pentecost.
May the light of your love come like a strong wind in the sails of our life.
These young confirmation candidates need, like all of us, fire in their hearts, courageous words on their lips, generous prophecy in their gaze so that they can see far into the future.
We all need to feel caressed by a warm wave of the Spirit and thus become generous workers on the construction site of the world and builders of your Kingdom of love, justice, holiness and peace.

Prayer to enhance daily life

Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you through the immaculate heart of Mary, mother of the Church,
n union with the Eucharistic sacrifice, the prayers and actions, the joys and sufferings of this day,
in reparation for sins, for the salvation of all men,
in the grace of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the divine Father.
In particular according to the Pope's intentions.

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