Intention for universal prayer
Liberation from addictions
We pray that all people under the influence of addictions will be well helped and accompanied.
Intention of Bishops
So that the Easter Triduum is experienced by communities and individuals as a source of charitable and missionary impetus.
«Prayer for the divorced»
You, Jesus, looked at man with the same gaze as God the Father.
Your entire Gospel is an act of profound respect for the human person: respect and forgiveness for the Samaritan woman, for Magdalene and for the public sinner. Even the adulteress was not condemned and you sent her with the invitation: "Never sin again." For the children who approached you, you said to the Apostles: "Let them come to me and try to be like them".
Matthew, the evangelist, you seduced him with your gaze and he left everything to follow you. You did not reproach the centurion, but praised his faith. To Peter you did not say: "You are a braggart", but: "Do you love me more than others?". You said to the thief: "Today you will be with me in Paradise!". For all those who condemned you you prayed: "Father forgive them, they know not what they do!".
Lord, now that I have reminded you of what you have done, I present to you all the divorced people, the separated families, the children of parents who are no longer united. And for each of them I beg you. You know what they need.
Prayer To enhance daily life
Divine Heart of Jesus,
I offer you through my heart
immaculate of Mary,
mother of the Church,
in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice,
prayers and actions,
the joys and sufferings of this day,
in reparation for sins,
for the salvation of all men,
in the grace of the Holy Spirit,
to the glory of the divine Father.
In particular according to the Pope's intentions.