Investigation into the figure of Jesus
by Raffaele Comaschi
Historical Jesus and Christ of faith: what relationship? That is: did the Christ of the New Testament and celebrated by the faith of the Church really exist? It is the problem that constituted one of the cornerstones of evangelical and Catholic theological reflection in the first half of the last century. The small volume bears the preface of the Jesuit Peter Gumpel, a world-famous historian who clearly places the facts in the historical context. Professor Guiducci, a collaborator of our magazine for years, with epistemological correctness, that is, with a critical study of the terms, in the search for the rib, the architrave that supports a speech, almost seems to want to apply the philosophical principle of non-contradiction to the figure of Jesus .
Through the testimonies offered by archaeological science and the literary sources of some pagan authors of the 55st and XNUMXnd centuries, therefore chronologically close to the earthly story of Jesus and his first disciples, it offers a panorama of irrefutable truths on the historical existence of the man Jesus in Palestine. In fact, he writes: «There are few authors in the current period who express doubts about the historicity of Christ» (p. XNUMX). And many statements by these authors, all opposed to Christianity, also confirm some data contained in the writings of the New Testament.
If we also add the literary style of the work, curated with the inclusion of appropriate illustrations, which makes it pleasant to read and at the same time allows us to grasp its essentiality, we believe we can say that it will benefit many readers: the common Christian , so that he is supported by solid foundations of reason in his faith (fides quaerens intellectum: a faith that searches with intelligence); to those who are new to the Christian faith, so that they begin to question the character of Jesus (intellectus quaerens fidem: an intelligence that seeks faith). Guiducci PL Did Jesus of Nazareth exist? Research. Non-Christian sources. The findings, Albatros, Rome 2016 Piero and Paolo witnesses in Rome Scientific rigor and pleasant informative style come together in the work of Professor Pier Luigi Guiducci: “The presence of the apostles Peter and Paul in Rome. Historical evidence. Teaching. The dramas”. The illustrations and summaries in some "boxes" summarizing the information contribute to the pleasure of reading. The volume carries the Preface by the Jesuit historian Peter Gumpel.
The first eleven chapters, through archaeological evidence, highlight the presence of Peter and Paul in Rome and the cult that they have always enjoyed from the faithful. We then move on to show how, in the early settlement of the Christian communities after the martyrdom of the two apostles, the reference to the bishop of Rome was explicit. Three other chapters try to respond to some intelligent objections, showing the evidence offered by the underground of the City and presenting in summary the evangelical texts confirming the apostolic succession. The last chapter offers a quick overview of the current state of the evidence from the excavations and findings, sometimes even unexpected, in the city of Rome. The "summary notes" recognize that speaking about the presence of Peter and Paul in Rome means rediscovering the universal value of missionary spirit and testimony to meet the One who still walks our streets: Jesus. «O Roma felix, quae tantorum principum / Es purpurata pretioso sanguine: / non laude tua, sed ipsorum meritos / excellis omnem mundi pulchritudinem" [o happy Rome, purpled by the precious blood of such great apostles, you stand above the world with a unique beauty, not for your glory, but for their merits] is the joyful song that, with the liturgy, fills the heart after reading this work.
Guiducci PL, Witnesses? The presence of the apostles Peter and Paul in Rome. The historical evidence. Teaching. The dramas, Albatros, Rome 2016