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8th Sunday Ordinary Time 

Year A - 2 March - Psalter: XNUMXth week 

Lectionary: Is 49,14-15; Ps 61; 1Cor 4,1-5; Mt 6,24-34

No one serves two masters

«At that time Jesus said to his disciples: No one can serve two masters, because either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be fond of one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."
Just as no one can ride two horses, one cannot serve two masters. Saint Augustine said: «Whoever is a slave to mammon, money, is a slave to him (the devil) who, due to his perversity, was placed at the head of earthly things, is defined by the Lord as prince of this world». Sometimes in our lives we stubbornly try to put God and our idol together and so we limp in two places. God tolerates being ignored, but not second place; in this case he would no longer be God. Any idol placed before Him falls to pieces like a statue with feet of clay.
1st Sunday of Lent 
Year A - 9 March - Psalter: I sect. 
Lectionary: Gen 2,7-9; 3,1-7; Ps 50; Rom 5,12-19; Mt 4,1-11 

Go away, Satan

«And coming forward, the tempter said to him: “If you are a son of God, tell these stones to become bread”. Now he answered and said to him: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God".
Our temptations are like the shadow of a desired good. Temptation arises when we seek the good and presents itself as an obstacle so that we lose enthusiasm in seeking the good and end up being caressed by laziness, saying: «it's too tiring, it's difficult, impossible and, then, the people who will he say about my choices?”. Or temptation makes us seek the good along the wrong paths. For this reason it is necessary to invoke that evangelical intelligence that allows us to give primacy to the Word of God. With the discussion of the exchange of stones into bread, the Word "suggests to us that man is kept alive but it is not life . All our tension is to obtain bread to maintain life, but the error that generates all mistakes is to pretend to possess life.
2st Sunday of Lent
Year A - 16 March - Psalter: XNUMXnd week 
Lectionary: Gen 12,1-4a; Ps 32; 2 Tim 1,8b-10; Mt 17,1-9

He is my Son, listen to him

«Taking the floor, Peter said to Jesus: “Lord, it is good for us to be here! If you want, I will make three booths here, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah"... And behold a voice from the cloud saying: "This is my Son, my beloved: in him I am well pleased. . Listen to him." 
Peter, the generous one, understood that being there with Jesus was beautiful. On the face of Jesus shone the original beauty in which God had created the world. The book of Genesis at each sunset of a hypothetical day writes: "And God saw that it was a good thing." Far from this light is bad, we are struggling, because we are not what we should be. For this reason the human creature is a pilgrim in search of a luminous Face, in front of which he is happy as if at home, because he has found a family Face. In the light a voice is heard: God is voice. His voice is known to us as the Incarnate Word. Whoever listens to Jesus transforms his face into the Face; we too radiate the light of God.
3rd Sunday of Lent 
Year A - 23 March - Psalter: XNUMXrd week 
Lectionary: Ex 17,3-7; Ps 94; Rom 5,1-2.5-8; John 4,5-42

Gushing source of the eternal

«Jesus answers her: “Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never be thirsty again. Indeed, the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." “Sir – the woman tells him –, give me this water, so that I will no longer be thirsty and will not continue to come here to draw water”».
The spring of this woman's desire is "a more" open to the infinite. Jesus revives the deepest desires dormant in us by disappointments and fears. Every human creature carries in his heart the desire to find a source that quenches his desire for life and happiness. Sometimes we delude ourselves and would like to maneuver the underground rivers of joy, usurping the role of God, the source of life. The only possibility of living is to accept being a gift linked to the source of love that overflows from the depths of the heart.
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