By Marco Mancini
ACI Press
"In recalling that there is no contradiction between Christian testimony and social commitment, the Bishops reiterated the centrality of Sunday Mass" which "remains the essential appointment for those who believe, which acquires concreteness in its connection with what happens outside the walls of the church, restoring meaning and depth to all the activities that would otherwise lose their roots". The Italian Bishops reiterate this in the final statement published at the end of the Spring Permanent Episcopal Council.". The Italian Bishops write this in the final statement published at the end of the spring Permanent Episcopal Council.
The Bishops - we read in the text - "turned their gaze to the situation of the country and to the various critical issues to be addressed: the advancement of visions that risk distorting the idea of family; the constant decrease in births; economic and educational The discussion then focused on migration phenomenon, starting from sharing the indignation and pain for the Cutro tragedy, and on the drama of the ongoing conflicts, primarily that in Ukraine".
In particular on the migratory phenomenon, the CEI reiterates "that the right to life must always be protected and that rescue at sea is an obligation for every State, the Bishops therefore recalled how strategic a dignified welcome that has its cornerstones in protection, integration and promotion is for the common good".
Then the green light is given to the program of the General Assembly, which will take place in Rome from 22 to 25 May on the theme “Listening to what the Spirit says to the Churches. Steps towards discernment" to the text of the Message for the Day of May XNUMXst.