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The logic of domination that regulates international relations and its outcome: war. Pope Francis talks about it receiving a group of 200 women belonging to the CIF, Italian Women's Center, this morning in the Sala Clementina. It is a logic that must be converted, she states, replacing it with the logic of service and care. And women can become the protagonists of this change.

A third world war in pieces

The Pope still talks about the war in Ukraine, confiding how unbearable it is for those who belong to his generation to see what is happening, an example "of the old logic of power that still dominates so-called geopolitics".

The history of the last seventy years proves it: regional wars have never been lacking, which is why I said that we were in the third world war in bits and pieces, right?, almost everywhere, until we get to this one, which has a larger dimension. and threatens the entire world. But the basic problem is the same: the world continues to be governed like a "chessboard", where the powerful study moves to extend dominance to the detriment of others.

We need another approach to international relations

"It is not other weapons, other sanctions", the response to this desire for dominance, states the Pope, and adds off the cuff:

I was ashamed when I read that I don't know, a group of states have committed themselves to spending two percent, I think, or two per thousand of their GDP on the purchase of weapons, as a response to what is [happening] now … madness, huh? The real answer, as I said, is not other weapons, other sanctions, other political-military alliances, but another approach, a different way of governing the world, without showing one's teeth, as now, right?, a world now globalized, a different way of setting up international relations.

War, the result of the logic of power that must be changed

The war in Ukraine is the result "of the old logic of power that still dominates so-called geopolitics", underlines the Pope, a logic that must be replaced with the model of care. And he explains that precisely for this reason he talks about it with the members of the Italian Women's Centre, because it is "an association of women and women are the protagonists of this change of direction, of this conversion. As long as - he specifies - they are not approved by the reigning power."

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