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World Alzheimer's Day is celebrated on September 21st.

The collaborator of our magazine, Dr. Vito Viganò will participate in a conference on Alzheimer's in Switzerland in which he will talk about a treatment method active in Canada.

In fact, an approach to treating Alzheimer's patients is spreading from Canada, Carpe Diem, which slightly overturns the usual criteria with which this serious brain disease of elderly people has been treated up to now. Beyond the sense of enjoyment it may inspire, Carpe Diem it means taking care of the person by relying on the vital resources he still has at his disposal, despite the impairments caused by his illness. It means not reducing the person to his illness, but giving him the opportunity to live with dignity of which he is still capable. It is the commitment not only to contain the symptoms, but above all to understand the needs that the person expresses in strange and annoying ways of acting, quickly defined as aggression, escape, dementia.

Structures have been created to accommodate serious Alzheimer's patients, based on the approach of encouraging shared living that is as normal as possible, involving the people welcomed in the daily tasks of which they are still capable, stimulating them to carry out activities that still allow them to enjoy a good taste of live.

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