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From Abel's life onward, man has discovered that prayer is the most powerful source of energy that people can experience. Throughout the Bible, prayer appears as the breath of every living thing. This breath, evidently, was the soul of the family of Nazareth. For Joseph, Mary and Jesus, the invitation to prayer was marked in five moments of the day, almost to give continuity to the praise, obeying the word that Jesus would have taught to the disciples as we read in the Gospel of John: «Without me there is no you can do nothing" (15,5) and in that of Luke: "We must always pray" (Lk 18,1).


These are very strong expressions. The first affirms man's fundamental inability to realize the plan that God called us to build, sending us Christ Jesus as a model and lifestyle. 
The driving force in the construction site of every life is prayer, which strengthens our poverty on the frontier of the mission of the baptized.
When we write that prayer is the breath of the soul, the words of a man who was great for his spirit of prayer come to mind: Don Guanella. He said: "it is with the breath of the lips that the material fire is rekindled and with the breath of prayer that the fervor of the soul is rekindled", from which energy is drawn to collaborate for the good of others. 
Jesus lived in constant union with the Father; the time of his life was an uninterrupted prayer; actions, words, relationships, friendships, miracles have marked a total dedication to goodness to the point of dying of love. All these elements were not fragments of an existence, but the fabric of a dialogue of love with the Father. 
In this dimension of "contemplative in action", Jesus reached the frontier of our humanity. Our flesh, with the weight of humanity corrupted by sin, was grafted into Christ with baptism and lives with the same breath of the Father through the action of the Holy Spirit. 
It is a need of the heart to pray, in fact «prayer is like the breath, the heartbeat of a life which is essentially communion with the Trinity from which it was born and to which it is destined to return, as the victorious goal of its existence ».
This reality is not always experienced with awareness. We often forget about God. 
Prayer becomes heavy, tiring; however, we can rest assured that even if we do not pray, God does not abandon us. He always seeks us before we seek Him. The book of the Apocalypse tells us that He is always at the door and knocks; He desires us and calls us. 
If we introduce him, he becomes a friend, a traveling companion, he speaks to our conscience and fills it with consolation.