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by Gabriele Cantaluppi

«I saw water coming out of the temple on the right side; and all those to whom it reached were saved": in it the Church sees an announcement of that which flowed from the wounded side of Jesus on the cross, a sign of the sacrament of baptism. In this Easter season the liturgy of Holy Saturday also contains the blessing of the so-called lustral water, that is, that which is not used directly for baptism, but which is used for sacramentals and private devotion.

After the blessing done by a bishop, a priest or a deacon, the water is commonly called "holy", that is, used for actions linked to the commitment to holiness that every Christian must carry out. Catholic worship makes extensive use of it: at the entrance to churches, at the beginning of the solemn Mass by sprinkling the faithful, in all the blessings of people or things, in the funeral liturgy. 

it is a very ancient tradition: already at the beginning of the 2nd century, every Sunday great care was taken to ensure that, wherever the faithful gathered, there was no shortage of holy water, with which the priest sprinkled them so that they would be increasingly purified.

It is only upon entering the Church that we sign ourselves with holy water, because, remembering our baptism, we pray with greater purity of conscience, and we more easily obtain what we ask for; but we can repeat the gesture when going out, to return to the midst of life's affairs with further spiritual strength.

Pope Francis exhorts us: «When we dip our hand in holy water, entering a church, and make the sign of the Cross, we think with joy and gratitude of the baptism we have received and we renew our “Amen” – “I am happy” - , to live immersed in the love of the Most Holy Trinity." And he continues: «As we do when entering the church, we can also do it at home, keeping a little holy water in a small suitable vase. Thus, every time we return or leave, by making the sign of the cross with that water we remember that we are baptized."

Holy water has the power to ward off the devil and forgive venial sin if there is repentance in our heart (for mortal ones Confession is necessary).

it is also a good habit to keep it perhaps by the bed to use it to make the sign of the cross when going to bed, when getting up, in times of serious temptations, illnesses or any other need, and thus invoke the Father's blessing, and strengthen oneself against the attacks from one's spiritual enemies. With it objects, houses and people are blessed and parents can bless their children.

Let us not forget that it belongs to the sacramentals, that is, "sacred signs through which, with a certain imitation of the sacraments, they are signified and, through the intercession of the Church, especially spiritual effects are obtained. Through them men are prepared to receive the main effect of the sacraments and the various circumstances of life are sanctified" (Catechism, n. 1667).

To then enjoy all the advantages to which holy water is intended, one must use it with feelings of faith (which is not sentimentalism or romanticism), of humility and contrition, since this water works by way of impetration, and always to the extent from the  dispositions of mind of those who use it. 

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