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Symposium on Josephite studies

Ciudad Guzmàn, a pretty town of around one hundred thousand inhabitants, located fifteen hundred meters above sea level south-west of the Mexican capital, hosted the participants in the XI International Symposium on Saint Joseph from 29 September to 6 October this year.

The week of studies was organized by the Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Joseph, in collaboration with the diocese, also making use of the contribution of the Documentation Center on Saint Joseph in Mexico City.

Forty-three specialists and two hundred participants from sixteen nations, from the Americas and Europe, explored the theme "Saint Joseph, guardian of life and love", with contributions at the level of biblical, liturgical, historical, iconographic, pastoral and popular devotion.

The diocesan bishop Don Rafael Leòn Villegas participated in all the meetings, with two other bishops of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Joseph, Don Roberto Balmori and Don Hermenegildo Ramirez.

The theme was current, given the orientations of contemporary society towards marriage and the family, the defense of life from its conception to natural death.

Particularly rich in information and the discovery of original works was an exhibition on the figure of Saint Joseph through the popular devotion of the inhabitants of Ciudad Guzmàn: paintings, liturgical songs, illustrations in magazines for children and adults and the issuing of postal cancellations in the various parts of the world.

The cathedral, dedicated to Saint Joseph and believed to be guarded by the souls of the deceased who died during the multiple collapses over the centuries due to frequent earthquakes in the area, hosted the solemn Eucharistic celebrations.

Even the numerous daily demonstrations have made it clear how devoted the people are to the Holy Family, of which our Saint was Guardian and Protector.


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