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Among the religious practices concerning Saint Joseph, we also find "The seven Sundays in honor of Saint Joseph". This devotion was introduced in the early 1800s, at a time when the Church was undergoing a constant struggle for faith. These turbulences that started with the French Revolution, continued with Napoleon, even forcing the Pope to leave Rome, caused such serious evils that unbelievers believed that the agony of Jesus' saving work had arrived! But we know that once again "the desire of the wicked has failed"; indeed the people of God turned with greater fervor to the Lord and in the supplement of grace the devotion to the Virgin Mary grew and that in honor of Saint Joseph also developed rapidly. The love towards him, so cultivated by Gregory XVI, had the approval of the practice of the Seven Sundays on 22 January 1836, also as a consequence of the exceptional protection granted by our Patriarch to the Holy Father, Pius VII, freed from imprisonment and 'exile on the feast of St. Joseph.  

This year too we will hold this practice in the Basilica del Trionfale. We will start on January 28, 2018, at 16.00 pm we will have an hour of spirituality in honor of Saint Joseph and then the celebration of the Holy Mass.

The 7 Sundays are a beautiful opportunity to prepare for the solemnity of Saint Joseph. The luminous trail of these Sundays will take us right to the eve of the solemnity, and will also give back "a soul to Sunday and Sunday to the soul". For the readers of our magazine who live in Rome, the invitation is to participate physically and for the thousands of members of the Pious Union to join the choir of our prayer.