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I like to share with you a stretch of the road of our life and try to grasp the presence of the Spirit of Jesus among us.
It is he who builds the history of good in the world.
Don Guanella usually said "it is God who does".
It is God who gave us faith. It is God who gave us birth in this time and gave us a family, parents, friends, a parish, a job and wants to arouse within us a nostalgia for the divine and make us understand that this world of ours is narrow and it becomes ever closer to us and needs a soul.

The life of each of us is a pilgrimage and the search for the face of God; the steps of the pilgrimage are the wings of hope that can color our future with confidence, the essence of the pilgrimage as well as the pleasure of traveling together, of seeing new things, if we manage to have a good lunch, but the heart of the pilgrimage is the encounter with God who manifested himself in Jesus Christ.
From Saint Joseph we learn something essential: God works his wonders in silence.
In a world crowded with sounds, noises, voices we need to go out for a moment to meet with ourselves, discover the mystery of God's action in our lives.
Romano Guardini wrote that «only in silence do I come before God and only in silence do I know myself»
Girolamo Savonarola, this intrepid and zealous Florentine friar of the convent of San Marco, said that "prayer has silence as its father and solitude as its mother".
Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a woman of great charity and love towards the poor and she was able to do this precisely because her days were filled with prayer. Just this morning the first reading from John told us that "whoever is born of God is holy (does not commit sin) because a divine seed dwells in him". It is this divine germ that dwells within us that becomes energy, strength, courage, perseverance, ardor and zeal; just as every seed grows from fertile soil, so Christian holiness truly has silence as its father.
One day Mother Teresa of Calcutta sent these symbolic five fruits from a fertile seed to a person animated by the search for the face of God: «The first fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace."

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