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Dear friends of the Pious Union of the Transit of St. Joseph,

with this message I want to point out to you a very important spiritual appointment: the beautiful tradition of "The 7 Sundays in honor of Saint Joseph". Many of you already know them. It is a devotion that dates back to the XNUMXth century and is today widespread especially in Canada and America, which also gathers a lively following in Europe and especially in Italy.

The “7 Sundays” start on January 27th and will end on Sunday March 10th. The unifying thought and title of the publication is “Give Sunday to the soul and a soul to Sunday”. In the booklet published this year (which you can download for free below) for each Sunday you will find prayers with the five "mysteries" of the life of Saint Joseph. There are also invocations to implore the granting of graces and the protection of the foster father of Jesus on each of you and on your loved ones.

The passages on the life of Saint Joseph included appear very suggestive and refer to the apocryphal Gospels (except the last one), which as is known sometimes present somewhat "fictionalized" aspects of the daily life of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Alongside the literary beauty of the "mysteries", the profound unity between Jesus and his earthly parents never fails.

I wish you a good reading and meditation on these "7 Sundays" and also that you can pray them in your families, churches and communities.

Don Mario Carrera

General Director of the Pious Union of Transit

FilletDescriptionFile size
Download this file (1-La_Prima_delle_7.pdf)First Sunday 40 kB
Download this file (2-La_Seconda_delle_7.pdf)Second Sunday 40 kB
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